Injured eagle returned to the wild (LA news article)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

So thankful for some observant residents that spotted her .. and the determination to find a wild bird rehabilitator!

Hope that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service doesn't follow through on the proposal to remove the Bald Eagle from the list of threatened species!

Altho' it galls my innards to think of the number of gunshot wounds that these beauties sustain each year (those, that are found alive and are reported, that is). I can only imagine the numbers that may be killed and are never known about. Just hope that they are few! It sure nuff thrills my soul to read of these success stories ..

I heartily and proudly applaud the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine’s Wildlife Hospita, along with so many others across the world.

- Magpye

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