When to put in peas?

Burchard, NE(Zone 5b)

I normally only grow tomatoes, but this year I want to try a few different things. My packet of Maestro peas says to "Plant as early as the ground can be worked..." When exactly is that? It has been an unseasonably warm winter, but our frost free date is around Apr 11...how soon can I put them in? When is it too late? Should I plant beans at the same time? Thanks so much for your help!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Man, how is your frost free date April 11 when mine's more like May 11? sigh...

Plant your peas on St. Patty's day, of course! Ye can't go wrong.

Deer Lodge, MT(Zone 4a)

Normally here in Montana I'd plant peas about mid April, give or take, as the ground can be worked at that time and isn't overly wet and has had time to at least dry out a bit...for you, I'd probably say about a month or so earlier...peas like cooler temperatures and perform much better than during hot weather...you can then plant another crop towards late summer/early fall.

As for beans, you'll probably be able to plant them around mid May...they need nice warm soil as they can't tolerate cold wet soil and the seeds will rot. I have to wait until the first part of June depending upon how our weather plays out cause June is our rainy season and can still get quite cold at times. So you'll have to keep an eye on the weather in your area and if there's too much rain you can hold off for awhile. You have a better growing season than I do so you have a wider window for seeding and growing.

If anyone else has a better time frame for planting in your area I hope they'll post. I'm providing my best 'guesstimate' based on my area to at least give you some idea regarding these two crops.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Plant English peas as the ground can be worked. That simply means as soon as the ground thaws out and get dry enough to work. The date date will vary widely. Mine are up and running. English peas are a cool weather crop, that balks at hot weather, Beans are a warm weather crop, Very frost sensitive and they do not germinate well in cold soils. My frost date in zone 8 Georgia is April 15, so I will start an early planting of beans then, Plant at two week interval through May. Then start at 2 week intervals August 14 - September 15. That's Bush Beans, Pole beans go in around May 1 and again on August !5. In Northern Climates, Summer heat should not be a problem. I think I would your frost date again, does not sound reasonable for Zone 5.

Burchard, NE(Zone 5b)

Thanks for your help...BTW, our last frost date is May 11, not Apr 11...I misread the chart. I guess that gives me another month to get things done. I appreciate the suggestions!
Rae Lynne

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