Flowering vines only?? Or fruited brambles, too?

Lucerne Valley, CA(Zone 8a)

Hi again! I've searched the forums a bit for bramble fruits, and come up with an overwhelming number of refences to my searches in about a million forums, which makes it a bit difficult to access the info. It this forum only for flowering vines? Would I be off-topic terribly to ask about small fruited vines/brambles like blackberry and boysenberry??

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, desert_witch

I'm interested in your question, too, and if you don't get any answers here, another likely place to post would be the Edible Fruit Forum...


Lucerne Valley, CA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, tabasco!!! I'll try over there. I've only ever picked wild berries. Never tried growing them myself. Of course, I have to try something(s) new each year!!! Especially when PATIENCE is required. All I can think is "if I don't get it in this year, I'll never be able to harvest!!!"

Lucerne Valley, CA(Zone 8a)

Okay. So I've read every post on blackberries I could find on that forum, and since they will flower before they fruit *giggle*, I thought it might be okay to start a threadhere. As some of you may know, I live in the High Desert, CA, and although we're between USDA zones 7b and 8a, we also get a good month or more over 100 degrees F in the summer. I just planted 3 Chester Thornless Blackberries in the larger of our (so far) 2 gardens (about 3,000 sf). They are supposed to be "Southern Performers" according to Henry Fields, where I got them. (ditto for the boysenberries, below) Wow! After reading about how much they can spread, I'm soooo glad I put them in the pumpkin/melon/corn garden.

Now, the weather turned nasty and windy and rainy before I could get the 3 Thornless Boysenberries in. I put the roots in water and have changed it daily for 2 days now. Will this be okay for a few more days, or should I pot them??

Also, in the whole forum I only found 2 mentions of boysenberries, so could sure use some advice on them. So far I've read that they should grow up and out, unlike the blackberries that spread laterally by root. Is this true? Will they take over my 1,000 sf kitchen garden if I plant them along the north fence there?? help, please, southwesterners?

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