Wanna be a homesteader....

Denver, CO

Live in the city near dowtown. Nice old home with lots of work needed. But someday I really really really want to get some land, and old home and try to become as self-sufficient as possible. I am trying to incorporate more into my daily life but my heart sort of aches to be out there. Some day I'll be joining ya!

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Hang in there. It took us a few years, but it's finally happening. Now that we're out here.................I'm still a "wanna - be " LOL Real homesteaders would probably laugh at me. But I have a heart full of 'want- to' , and that is what makes it worth the try. I've got a lot to learn.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I, too, would love to be a "homesteader" but I know it will never happen. We are in the ministry so our lives are not our own. It takes many years to build up a homestead and in the ministry you never know where you will be or how long you will be there. I hate where we live right now. Not the area, just the location. I love the area. We are in extreme eastern Ky.in the Appalachian mountains. But we live in town and the corner we live on is so noisy it gives me migraines. I have one right now so this post will not be long. I would love to live on top of a mountain with no noises other than the wind in the trees and the birds singing. I would like to have enough room for a garden, a small orchard, a horse, some rabbits and chickens. I would love to have a spring on my property. I would rarely leave the peaceful atmosphere.
I try to live as kindly with the world around me as possible. I recycle and grow my own vegetables. I do as much as I can with my very limited space. Also, my husband does not share this mindset so I am on my own in that area. I do love to read about homesteading and dream my dreams. Continue to live your dreams, Peggie and take no heed to what others may think. And Tucker, never give up hope. Through God all things are possible.

This is a picture of my hay bale garden. It has not been warm enough for any growth yet so it all looks puny.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Hang in there, guys. Some things take longer than others. I waited 30 something years before we got our little plot of earth (ok, we share it with the bank, but at least we get to live on it!). Read everything I could, prayed, hoped, planned. Put into practice what I could on a suburban lot. It will be all the sweeter when you finally realize the dream. Good luck & blessings to you!

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Hey CajuninKy, I know how you feel. We were also in ministry and lived in the parsonages of the churches my husband pastored.
I guess that's why I so appreciate the good things we've been allowed to experience. I don't take even one second of it for granted, and I hope I never will. We don't have a lot, as you know how it is for ministry couples, but we sure feel rich in what little we do have. We have learned to live a simpler life and appreciate the things that really matter. It has taken us a good 20 years though. It was well worth the wait. Blessings to you. I know you will be rewarded for your patience.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)


I would imagine we could tell each other some wild tales about our lives in the ministry. LOL We have lived in some awful places. Not habitable, really, but we have always made the best of things. If nothing else it has really taught us to appreciate our blessings. Knowing we are in the middle of God's will for our lives gives us a peace of mind that nothing else could. No house, no property, no fancy vehicle, no bank account, nothing. God has promised to "supply all my needs" and to that He "came to give life and life more abundant." I just need to be patient and wait on His timing. In the meantime I enjoy all the blessings He sends and the wonderful people He puts in my path to brighten my life. I just ignore the mean people who crop up now and again. LOL

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

How well I know.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I wanted to send a new picture of my bale garden. It has warmed up and things are growing nicely now. Haven't picked anything yet but it shouldn't be long.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

cajuninky, thank you for the update on the baling. great garden!

peggy and cajun, thank you both for you service to the LORD. I can only imagine the sacrifices you and your spouses have and are going through.

tucker, I too wish and long for the homestead life. I have to wait too though, with 2 kiddos in the single digits and me going back to school for my degree, and then after my degree a 3 year commitment to International Missions Board. I guess that puts me in the 20 yr. wait and old postion.

Goof luck


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is the latest picture of the garden. That is my gardener, my DGS, Knock. Actually, his name is Nathaniel but we have called him Knock since he was born. He is 5 now and will be starting school next Wednesday. I have been picking lots of tomatoes and a few squash. Cucumbers and peppers were killed by the slugs and any that survived were done in by the ants. I have been way too busy to be as dilligent as needed with it. I have a couple of eggplants I am looking forward to harvesting. I'll keep you up on their progress.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Denver, CO

Well, I thought I would post a pic.

This is the raised bed garden I built on the side of the house. I was concerned about the quality of soil AND THE HEAT!! It has been a hot summer (90's, 100's) and frankly I dislike it!

Anyway...pic has popcorn, potatoes, onions, peppers, mints, sage and some other herbs. I have some other stuff growing in another area. I am going to try my hand at preserving this year!

DUH...I should say everything has been doing great! Already picked peas and the popcorn.

This message was edited Aug 1, 2006 4:07 PM

Thumbnail by tucker303
Denver, CO

I dunno Cajun...everything looks REALLY good! You have done a great job!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)


Your garden looks great! I hope to be moving from this spot in the near future. We may have found a place to rent on the mountain about 5 miles from here. I would miss the creek but I sure will be glad for the peace and quiet. All you hear htere is the wind and the birds. The place needs work but the price is right and even if it is only for a few months while we look for a house, I will welcome the respite. This noise and traffic is driving me crazy and really depresses me at times. I would appreciate your prayers in this matter.

This is a pic of my eggplants. I can already taste them!!

Thumbnail by CajuninKy

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