Orientals and species lilies are up 2" in the snow and ice

Beachwood, OH

What? I have never seen this before. I went out this morning and found my biggest stand of Lilium Black Beauty is up about 2" above the leaves they are covered wtih, and in another corner there are Orientals up. To top it off we've had freezing rain all morning and its haling right now.
Should I cover them with more leaves or tent some newspaper over them? We are supposed to have days in the low 30's and nights in the low 20's for the next 10 days. I will seriously develop a pout if my lilies get messed up.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Big pout! I'd cover those babies up and keep them nice and snug.

Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

We've had a lot of freezes and thaws here this winter. I have one cluster of small bulbs that have heaved out of the ground and are on top of the soil. I've been watching them just to see how much cold they can really take. Last week we were down close to 0 degrees one night.

Beachwood, OH

Yeah - this past week - now its 6 days after my original post - was cold in the teens and 20's, but starting tomorrow its going to warm towards the 60's on the weekend. I found more oriental lilies up out of the ground, some allium christophii, and I think what must be last years Easter lilies. You know we are going to have at least one or more cold snaps yet to come before its all over. I better go out and collect a good supply of leaves to cover these guys with for another 4 weeks at least. I just keep remembering the 12" of snow we had last year on May 1st before spring really broke. We have had virtually no snow cover at all and even my lawn has taken a beating from being continually exposed to the freezing and thawing without snow cover.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Yep, as nice as it's been, it's been a tough winter for the lawn and garden.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Freeze & thaw--the bane of lilies!

Beachwood, OH

Cedar Rapids - I have memories of that town! We have family up that way. You have serious snow cover - I remember playing in mountains of snow when I was little. Many of my spring bulbs are up now and a little squill was blooming blue today. I can't decide if I'm right or wrong about the bulbs - they might all be alliums that are up and no Lilies at all. I planted so many alliums last year they are right up against the lilies and I don't know. If they are alliums poking up they will be fine because the flower stalk is separate, but if its lilies I'm going to have to hustle tomorrow and cover them since the flowers are on the same stalks. I was out planting a bag of Daffodil Tete-a-tete tonight, that I've been browbeating myself about all winter. Should have gotten them in last fall.
My lawn looks awful but thats a different subject.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

My lawn needs a good power raking after the damage of last summer's drought. A little chilly , but slowly uncovering the iris.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

My daylilies in the snow

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

And my red naked lilies this morning. The sedum spectible is looking good too.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hey Blooms ~ nice to see ya! Isn't it good to see green? :)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I'm so thrilled to see the naked lilies show up most of the pink ones didn't make it - just three so far.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

All this sunlight until 6 pm or so! Wow! What a Blessing for the ones of us who have to tackle the lawn after work!

Beachwood, OH

Good morning! I thought I'd comment back on this thread - I have decided that all the bulbs that are showing are alliums - Christophii to be exact. I have them interplanted with lots of lilies so when they came up I thought it was lilies. Thank goodness - the teen temperatures are not bothering them one bit. Have a good day.

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