Some 'firsts' .. of (early) Spring '06 .. for us

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Some tell-tale signs that the approach of Spring is very near ...

The daffodils have been pushing and stretching up thru the ground for several weeks. Even before our last two snowfalls. The flower stalks are beginning to form ...

The wasps are out and beginning to get very active - and appear to be rather aggressive, I mite add. The stinging lil stinkers ...

The Eastern Bluebirds are taking on a much brighter irredescent blue and more burnished chesnut-colored breast. They're far more active and quite a bit more 'voicey' in their song and calls to one another ...

The Carolina Wrens seem to be getting more interested in checking out the variety of cubby holes, at both of the porches ...

On the 28th of February, while working out in the front yard - we heard and spotted some of the first batches of geese returning north. The days since, have been more of the same. Sometimes flying high, and other times seemingly right over the top of the house ...

Yesterday (March 1st) .. we realized that the little Chipping Sparrows have also arrived - and, in droves!! The lil white eye stripe is so vivid and bright! Have reason to believe that the Song Sparrows are here. I've heard their sweet song, but have yet to 'see' them ...

The soil is warming enough .. that the gnats and flies are hatching, and are warting the dickens out of the deer .. and us!! There's no doubting .. that the ticks are already up to their dirty deeds also (the lowly dastardly beasts!)

And, nope .. the infamous Dandelion flowers are not laying idle either!!

Of course, in years past .. we've had a good snow to fall, as late as early May, too!

- Magpye

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

The not-so-Dandi-lion flowers .. (but still so pretty in their own right)

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

And, one batch o'the geese .. high in the sky ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

How exciting to see spring starting!! I remember watching all the new green growth in N Carolina one was awesome! Our first harbinger here is the Chickasaw Plum and the Peach that are just finishing up their blooms. Now the Orange trees are bursting into bloom. It smells wonderful when I step outside!

Paul just called me to come outside to listen... It's just starting to get light and the birds are all singing and carrying on. Gotta love this time of year...Dandis and all!!

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Isn't it an exciting time of year Maygpye? Of course, you're way ahead of us. I see the geese were flying over on March 2. This is March 4 and I haven't seen them yet. Said with tongue in cheek. he he

We've had an unusual winter in that it hasn't been really cold until the last week or so. I am somewhat anxious about plants but hoping for the best.

Spring, my very favourite time of year.


(Zone 10b)

There's a lot of poetry in the beginning of spring, for sure.
lol, with all your chipmunks and birds, I can only imagine how busy your place must be at this time of year.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I am in Kentucky and the last few days as I go out to get the morning paper, the birds are just singing their little hearts out. However, I have a pair of Mocking Birds, and they are very aggressive. Tried to attach me and my cat last year. So hope they will decide to pick somebody else's yard to take up residence.

Hillsdale, NY(Zone 5b)

Our overwintering goldfinches are starting to brighten up. The cardinals are singing at daybreak - then they seem to get a grip and go back to winterish "tchks." And I saw a lone robin scouting territory for the first time this year. All promising signs. - Julie

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Magpye-- it's so interesting to read your post and then take a walk in the garden and notice all the little green plants pushing up out of the ground and recall the honking geese flying over a few days ago.

When I read your thread I thought, too, of the Journey North "Signs of Spring" study that all nature watchers on DG might enjoy participating in.

Here's the link

Enjoy the day. t.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Magpie, Love your name and photo! We had 55 degrees and a bit of a breeze today. I washed and hung all the clothes, sheets and blankets I could fit on the line. Our first robin came on the 8th. Our wrens come the first week in May and the orioles a week later. They're my favorite. We don't see too many bluebirds, altho I had my husband build them a specific house. I'm just getting over sinus infection. That tells me spring is on it's way!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

A wondrous spring 'howdy' .. to all of you !!!

We're having a bit of an extended stay .. in Natchitoches, Louisiana .. right now.
We had to come to attend a funeral, and got a late start .. heading back home on Thursday evening - So, we decided to stay over a spell for a needed rest, a bit away from the loud, super populated and humongus #'s of vehicles and awful traffic in the Baton Rouge area. (we haint used to such, ya know!) We got up this morning prepared to head on back to our hillbilly hills, and the ol Ford up and decided she wanted to stay a bit longer! .. LOL

We'd noticed a bit of trouble in clutching earlier, but didn't think too much about it .. at
the time. (Some mitey horrific traffic in the Baton Rouge area)!!

So, here we are. The Ford towed to a shop for repairs, and awaiting the needed parts that will arrive on Monday, and we've got an entire weekend to go yet!!

Wellllll, with all of that said - my point, has been to relay to you guys .. that south Louisiana is in full bloom!!! The Mockingbirds, Red-winged Black birds, and many others .. are very well involved with twitter-pating. The Red Buds are amass with pinkish/purply blooms, and I've spotted quite a few Dogwoods in bloom. Of course, this area of Louisiana is undeniably stunningly beautiful .. this time of year!! The older areas and historic homes along the Cane River are amass with the large Live Oaks canopied over daffodils, tons of Azalea, Forsythia, and far too many other flowers, etc, .. for my ol brain to 'digest' remembering!!! Tis truly a most beautiful area ...

I'll round up some of the pics I've taken today .. and post them a bit later on, here ...

While we're 'stuck' here .. we'll try to see a few sight around and about the area!


- Magpye

Modi'in, Israel

Magpye, how fun to see the signs of spring all around. We're enjoying it here as well. The bees are buzzing around one tree or another daily in the garden now. They finished in the nick of time on the almond tree it seems. Just as a storm was looming over the horizon a few days ago, the entire tree was just aswarm with honeybees....almost as if they were desperate to get to every last flower before the storm blew them all away. And lucky thing the bees are so famously the storm indeed did blow every last bloom of the tree. Fortunately, the blooms were all well on their way to falling off anyway as the tree is busting with teeny little almond babies now :-). Lots of seedlings coming up everywhere too. Problem is, I've thrown so many seed packets (many of which are "assorted" spring or summer seeds) that I have no idea what needs weeding and what needs left along at this point ROTFL! Time will tell soon enough I'm sure. I'm mostly enjoying the lovely color combinations the bees have created for me with all of my Linaria from last year. The bees must have had some wild dances back and forth between all of those blooms because their offpspring (that of the Linaria that is) are some of the whackiest color combinations this year :-). I have a feeling all of my self seeded violas will be in technicolor as well...seeing as the single one to bloom as of yet was a fabulously spotted and bespeckeled purple thing unlike anything I purchased and planted last year. Bees are great! :-)


Here's one of my Linaria gifts from my buzzing friends:

Thumbnail by salvia_lover
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Hey there!! ...
You know you're missed something gosh awful 'round here, don't you!?!

Ahh, nature provides the neatest varieties to entertain us tho', 'ey?!? .. lol

We're still in Natchitoches, LA .. and have seen quite a bit of spring bursting alive while here. It's been relatively nice and tolerable weather (fortunately) while here. A good touch of humidity today, but not enuff to keep us from taking the auto tour of several historic plantation homes in the area. Just so many pics to keep trying to upload them to my notebook every few hours, to sort and name! I'll get 'em done, eventually.

- Magpye

Modi'in, Israel

:-) You're very sweet Magpye! I miss you too! I hope you continue to have a wonderful time down south and make sure to stay away from tornadoes and such! It's beginning to be the season.....

Big hugs!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

If you have to be stranded, Natchitoches sounds like a lovely place to pass the time. Just have to buy a fan and some lemonade!

Can't wait to see the pics. And good luck with the repairs. t.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

tabasco .. we're now @ HOME kiddo!!

The auto tour of the historic plantation homes around Natchitoches was truly wonderful. We enjoyed walking the grounds more than anything ... Along with so many tours weren't available just yet. There's a few shrub and tree ID's that I need to present also ... There's a couple, that even the grounds keepers couldn't identify for me! Go figure .. (hee) .. Saturdays', 'Blooming on the Bricks' outdoor affair made for a wonderful day also .. There'd been multiple booths set up which displayed (and sold) various plants, garden sculpture, arts, etc. .. Even tho' we caught only the tail-end of it all - twas still a nice walk-about. Made for some interesting shots of the souths' early blooming going on around the place, the architecture of the old buildings along Brick/Front street bordering the Cane River .. and some wonderful 'spring fun' shots of other families enjoying their outings in the green grass and the river boating.

Our truck was completed around noon yesterday .. so, as soon as we could load her back up with all of our stuff - we hit the road and made a bee-line for the hillbilly hills of Arkansas. Stopped only long enuff in Clarksville, to top-off the diesel and grab a few necessary grocery items. We finally dragged in, late last night .. and crashed as soon as we got the groceries in & put away. Woke up to 27 degrees this morning, but did I luv it - - Yay-yes .. Ya bet yore sweetest shuga - I sure did!! Soooo good to be HOME ...

The birds were some gosh-awfully delighted to see us, too .. (filling up their feeders and replacing the suet cakes) this morning. .. LOL

And *we*, of course, were even more thrilled to see the progress that has taken place all over the yard .. especially in the new flower beds, etc. The new yellow climbing roses have put out their leaves and new canes are forming, the Peonies have jumped up all over the place, some of the daffys are blooming, the CandyTuft is beginning to bloom, the Red Buds are on the verge of displaying their purnurply pinks, the dogwoods are filling out more and more, and the various creeping phlox is amazingly beautiful in the first of their flowing blossoms ...

- Magpye

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Mags, Glad you made it home safe.
New pics, soon?
Andy P

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Howdy Andy P !!! ..

You betcha!
Just soon as I can determine if I'm coming or going, to where, and for what reason that I think I was, in the first place ... (LOL)

.. I appreciate the very sweet (and most kind) interest from you guys also ..


- Magpye

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Happy landing Magpye. There's nothing like home sweet home, now is there. And I'll bet the birdies were singing their little hearts out for you, they were so happy. Will be looking for pictures of your garden and your trip.too. Joan ((hugs))

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. ((thank you, Joan)) ..
'Home' takes on a much greater meaning each time we return ...

I've been looking for the Natchitoches, LA pics .. and I've just remembered: they're still on the notebook pc!!
(doin' a 'whop' against the ol cranium, to loosen the rust, in hopes of activating any remaining debris) LOL

- Magpye

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

About doggone time .. that, at least one of these lil flying jewels showed up!

And, as I'd expected (with my super-xcitement goin' on) - - these two shots are a bit blurry! (lol)

- Magpye

.. Pic #1 of 2 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #2 of 2 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

He's so beautiful! I love to hear their wings whirring. Now, I'm not sure when the hummers hit Iowa. I need to make a note of that this year. I don't put out a feeder anymore. So many new things to do!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Mag, Blurry? What's blurry, the wings? Hey they move fast!
Looks darn good to me.
Andy P

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone - saw your question billyporter and was just at a seminar last week and he said the hummers should be reaching Iowa THIS WEEK!! I've got my feeder out - he said those that have them out now will have the best chance to attract them for the whole season. We'll see if he's right! Dax

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Jewels is a good description Magpye. Aren't they little sweeties. And what would this pretty be called?


NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Joan ..
In a blend of voices similar to none other than our beloved 'Pooh' bear and the 'TweetyBird' (of 'Sylvester & Tweety' fame) . . .
" He's a wuby-Thwoat'd Hummin' boid, of course! " ( .. LOL ..)

Spring makes me feel like a lil girl .. all over again! (workin' on my umpteenth childhood, ya see!)

billyporter and dax090 ..
Know that we'll all be hopin' real hard .. that these guys will arrive 'on time' for ya!! And, goshikins yeppers - make yourself a note when you spyball the first one, to reference later. Better yet: document their arrival .. with a pitter or two (or three)!! .. hee ..

Andy_P ..
Eegahds! .. Yes sir, those pics were horribly blurry!! Taint EVEN funny as to jes how reluctant I was to post 'em! .. LOL .. Ohhhh, but if you guys would've been here; you'd've seen (and heard) me oooing & ahhhing and sooo gosh-dogged excited - - I had to force myself to quit breathin' a few seconds at a time .. just to hold my camera propped & steady, against the porch post!! Trust me; normally there's no problem - but when these "1st times" come about each year - - - I'm pure jiggly jello, clean thru !!!

This lil feller has done nothing but FEED all day long!! He had little choice, but to get use to our presence, so near .. what with our in & out and walking across the yard and back constantly, while working on our lil projects all day. I think he tired of flying off a piece, so much - that he finally opted to just stay put, and perched on the porch between piggin' out - and watch us and our antics!! .. HEE

Thanks so much, folks .. for enjoyin' this spayshall lil moment with me.


- Magpye

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Dax. I feel bad that I have no flowers for them to feed on. I better get a feeder till something blooms. Poor little hummers. No eats here. Shame on me. Good thing I joined Dave's. I'm getting smarter by the thread.

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