Has anyone used pit silage for compost.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have used composted mint and it worked great, smelled great too. It came from a farmer's pit silo and now have access to barley/hay silage that has been in pit silo for 2 years. It is dark moist and cooked a long time. I know about seeds but shouldn't they cook out? What do you think? The price is right and an unlimited source. They even load it into my truck and trailor. All I have to do is use it in my soil ammendments.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I don't know about pit silos, but trench silos are rather popular in this area. I too have been blessed with large amounts of well rotted old silage. 3 of our raised beds were almost totally filled with it their first year.

The MO State Fair grounds is only 13 miles from us. They have barn cleanings that are ground pretty fine and are free for the taking. You have to be there at 8 a.m. & noon Mon. thru Fri. to get any but it is worth it. A couple years ago I ordered a dump truck and pup trailer of it. Cost me $75 for the hauling fee but it was worth it. It lasted until this year. Hopefully I can get that much again. It makes great mulch and soil amendment.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

What kind of silage did you get? Hay, Corn, barley etc

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