amaryliss bulb question

Millers Creek, NC

This is my first time trying these bulbs,and I need to know how deep to plant the bulb.Isn't the top part of the bulb supposed to be exposed?

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Top 1/3 or so should be exposed. It helps to soak the roots overnight before you plant. Plant it in moist, but not wet potting soil and then don't water til you see some growth. Then you can start watering on a regular basis.

Millers Creek, NC

Thanks so much for the info.I have them in pots,guess I had better lift them up a bit.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

You don't have to soak the ones I sent you cause I soaked them good..! :o)))


Millers Creek, NC

Hi Demi,Thanks for the bulbs.I have them all potted up!!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't mean to hijack the thread but I was wondering about Apple Blossom bulbs, are they a good choice? I only have the old fashioned orange ones that bloom near Christmas.

If anyone had an extra or two to trade LMK. I raise lots of daylilies and hosta. Plus many more perennials that I could make a trade with.

Teresa in KY

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Teresa maybe we can make a trade,I have the apple blossom and the mini red one forgot the name right now..I have them bloom for me almost all year the apple ones smell so good..
Your Christmas one should bloom for you again,I always keep mine potted up,never let them sleep..When I put them outdoors they stay in their pots..
Don't worry about hijacking this thread we're friends and trade plants and bulbs all the time..You might wanna see what Rosie or Lauri Wilson has to trade,they have good stuff and know how to ship so your stuff arrives good and healthy..Right now we have cold Temps so I wait to get my stuff so it does'nt freeze..
I don't need anymore hostas..What other perennials do you have?LMK..


Union Grove, AL

Appleblossom is one of the toughest and also is lovely, even hardy in 7b if planted pretty far down, about as dependable as an amaryllis gets.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Do you put any protective mulch over the above-ground parts in the winter? Does any of the neck remain green through the winter?


Union Grove, AL

I haven't put them out at my place but friends up here on the mountian put her about 8 inches above the top of the bulb, not the shoulder, and she mulches it about 5 inches deep in leaves, she's had them in the ground for more than a decade. I'll plant some this Spring, i've got way to many and need to thin some.
2 places before i had them in the ground about 6 inches from the top and they came back while i lived there , mulched them about 4 inches with mulch but I was blessed with a walled garden there, they started dying off after i moved, could be several reason, the owner is NOT a gardener and didn't mulch for years and a monster rose which was near them grew over them, they quit blooming and then started dying out, only a few were left recently though the rose is now gone.
The St. john's lily is hardy here without mulch
The bulbs die back compleatly.
Another set of clients has 5 that he put into the ground 2 years ago and forgot to dig, the tops are right at ground level, they survived last winter, a mild one and it is to early to tell about this one, they didn't bloom last year.
Good luck

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks. I have some of the xjohnsonii that I'm going to put in the ground and maybe a few others.

In what zone(s) did you have them come back?


Union Grove, AL

7b, but they are usually sheltered next to something l;arge and heat absorbat like brick or patios or an east wall. if unsheltered i'd mulch pretty heavily.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Here in Zone 5 with have to dig them up or leave them in pots and bring them in for the winter..I tried mulching and putting them in a protected area with no luck... :o(((


Millers Creek, NC

Hey Loretta,Right now I have all mine in pots and they are growing,doing great!!Can't wait for blooms!!

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Glad their growing good for you,Lauri said hers was too..!! :o)


Millers Creek, NC

Something is growing out of the top of the bulb.Is it a flower stalk or leaves??

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

It can either be leaves or a flower stalk
This picture is of a bulb with two flower stalks and leaves showing.
Generally, the leaves will grow out of the middle of the bulb (initially) and the flower stalks off-center (if that makes any sence).

Depending on the specific bulbs, leaves may come first, or flower bulbs. There are no hard and fast rules...

Millers Creek, NC

LOL, where is the pic??Thanks for the info though

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

OOPS .. my computer is excellent except for one very critical flaw... it assumes that I do everyting as I intended to, and that I do not make mistakes... what a dummy !!!

Here is the picture
It shows the two flower scapes at the nose.
Note how the middle is pushed out a bit ? Within this extended portion, the leaves will come out

Thumbnail by kdjoergensen
Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Here you can see the leaves better (one of the flower scapes got bend from a low hanging shelve)

Thumbnail by kdjoergensen
Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

A last one.. here you can see both leaves and flower scapes just starting to grow

Thumbnail by kdjoergensen
Millers Creek, NC

Oh great!! Thanks,Now I know what to look for.I think mine are starting to send up the flower scapes!! Yippee!! I know what ya mean about pc's too!!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

I have several in pots and know I have seen them in the ground around here but can't remember if they go in shade or sun. Anyone have any info. I have one red that died back this winter but has a scape about 5 inches out now. I have three pink that someone gave me this past fall and they never died back. They are younger than the red. I haven't seen any scapes on the pink ones yet.

Good picture of the scapes and leaves Kd

Union Grove, AL

ease them from the house into shade for a couple of weeks, then 1/2 shade for another couple of weeks then into full sun for best bloom, if they don't have leaves, put put them into full sun right away.

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