Hedychium Filigree Flowering Tips?

(Zone 1)

Hello , I have a Hedychium Filigree ( my only Ginger experience) which I have grown in a very large pot. It has been in my posession for nearly 18 months now but have never seen a flower yet. The Rhizome is quite a bit bigger than a dinnerplate when I repotted it this fall and brought it indoors for the winter. It grows tons of foliage with about 11 stems on it right now indoors and had about 20 outdoors this summer ( I cut it back when I repotted and brought it in). The thing is I havent had a flower on it yet. So I was wondering if maybe I am doing something wrong? In the summer it is in partial sun ( direct sun from 9 -12 and partial shade rest of day) and I gave it some bloom fertilizer. I was wondering if I am not giving it enough sun or if bloom fertilizer is a bad idea in your experiences? Or am I just being impatient and need to let it settle in before expecting a flower? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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