Bear Grass

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I'm curious to know how Bear Grass Xerophyllum tenax does in a garden situation. Even though it grows in many of the mountains around the Northwest I have never seen it growing in a garden. However, it seems fairly popular in the florist industry. The soft papery leaves are a deep green with a white back and are much more ornamental than most ornamental grasses. The flower is hauntingly attractive. The last native I wanted to plant turned out to be highly toxic ( Is there a reason not to plant Bear Grass?

Thumbnail by willmetge
Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi, I Googled bear grass and found this link:

It is a beautiful plant! Wonder if it would grow in the great north EAST???

Pahrump, NV(Zone 8b)

I've seen it for sale at area nurseries in Las Vegas so I'd assume it's pretty heat and drought tolerant so...I'd guess it might be invasive to one degree or another in milder climates. Just guessing though, might check with your local county extension office, they should be able to tell you.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

It is a pleasant weed here in Montana and we have several growing in our garden. I have heard that a plant here only 14" in diameter is over 30 yrs old. Also they only flower every wet winter or spring here. I don't know about invasivness they are really hard to grow here in their native area. Lots of forest understory acidic soil. Shady areas.

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