Bedding for broodmare stall

Taylors, SC

Calling all DGers w/ experience w/ broodmares!
I have taken down the wall btwn 2 stalls and made the "birthing stall". I put in the wheat straw (which is what I read I should use as bedding for a birthing stall) and settled my mare in her new "digs"for the night last night.
This morning I went to clean stalls and I must tell you, this wheat straw is the worst bedding I can imagine! It doesn't soak up urine hardly at all------and you can't really pick the manure out of it (you just have to take the whole are up.)
Please, please give me some other ideas that work better. I can not imagine using this stuff for weeks on end!!
I have always used pine shavings and I have read they are not acceptable for use in a birthing stall---but surely there is something to choose from other than wheat straw?!?
Share w/ me what you use, please.

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