HAPPY BIRTHDAY ***Patbarr***!!!!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Another Birthday greeting from me!

I hope you have had a very enjoyable day!


Thumbnail by wallaby1

Happy Belated Birthday Patbarr!!! I hope you had a great day :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sorry I missed your birthday Pat. Hope it was really enjoyable and many happy returns :)

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Thank you all for your birthday wishes, we had a lovely day, and one of my presents was a stainless steel spade which I've been testing out mixing potting compost in the greenhouse today.

Is the hedgehog a rescued one Janet? It looks very cute.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi Patt, no but we always had hedgehogs come at night and finish off left over cat food, this one I don't think was very big and hadn't hibernated, at least until very late, I fed it a bit of cat food and it enjoyed it! We still have had some last autumn, but there doesn't seem to be many now, or for a while any. The neighbour has chickens and had rats, so got someone to lay poison bait, supposedly where cats couldn't get to it. I wondered if they got some though not sure if grain or meat was used, the cat warning was possibly if they got a half-dead rat. I feel sorry for them!

A neighbour on the other side has a pool which some of them drowned in, that made me angry as they couldn't get out, he did try to make a step up but not responsible enough.

There is an 'open' prison behind us, it was for men but now for women and has high wire fences around since changed. They used to rescue some and release them in nearby woods, that probably doesn't happen now.

They are very cute, or that one was, it would scuttle behind the plant pots and wait until we went but seemed to get used to us, don't know why they come in the day time, maybe it's parent got ******ed.

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

We had two regular hedghogs last summer, one huge fat one and a little tiny one, and they used to climb onto the wall to eat the bird food. When I had the dog they used to wake her up with their grunting and snuffling, so she would bark at about 11.30 at night when they first came, and then about an hour later when they made their way back. You could almost set your clock by them.

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