novice- need help

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I have been growing all kinds of plants for a million years but never carnivorous plants, so I am truly in unknown waters and hoping that any or all of you will be willing to share some knowledge so that the lives of a few mexican pings will be spared.
I have 3- got them at various places, Lowe's, etc. I have read the warnings to NEVER FERTILIZE! and have read suggestions for growing in mix of moss, peralite, etc., water w/ rain or distilled water only, don't let them dry out... however some sources say don't grow in terrarium and others say do! Any info you can give would be great. Also just rec'd a dormant ping, what do I do w/ it? Remember, the lives of 3 innocent pings are in your hands!

Are you able to share the names of the pings you have?

The moss people are referring to is LFS (Long Fiber Sphagnum Moss). This is very different than what you may be thinking and I'll try to get you a photo of some or maybe somebody else can post a photo here for you.

Soil mixes are trial and error sometimes but they also depend on what type of a ping you have and what you feel comfortable with. I seem to have three different mixes and I just began experimenting with growing some pings in 100% LFS and they are doing fine. Anyway, the three mixes are a tad different depending on what I am growing in them so I will share what I use if you can tell me what you bought. Here is a breakdown of how I pot up pings-
***North American native southeastern pings (I did such a great job with these that I killed them ALL by transplanting them at the wrong time of year) but, they were doing fine until I transplanted them
***Mexican pings- actually two different mixes for these
***temperate pings such as vulgaris, villosa, and macroceras

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well 2 of the pings are moranensis- hope my spelling is correct, their handwritting is nearly as bad as mine. As far as the one from Lowes, don't really know, leaves are simillar to moranensis, maybe not so rounded and it flowered & has another bud- the flower was a pale lavender, simple flower and I have seen photos of it many times so am guessing it is fairly common.
I do know the moss you are talking about. Oh my gosh if there are right and wrong times to transplant somebody should tell me or I will surely kill these guys. I stumbled upon pings by accident. Someone posted a picture of a moranensis and the leaves were so beautiful so I got one and in the mean time found the one at Lowes. I thought nothing could be more complex than my orchids so figured these would have to be a snap. Guess I was wrong?

No, you aren't wrong. I was just impatient and stupid. I should have never transplanted them back when I did.

I have one moranensis growing is straight LFS and one growing in a mix if Cahadian Sphagnum Peat/ rinsed tube sand/ and rinsed gray pumice.

Best to ask what everyone else is using. I am learning everyone seems to have their idea of what works best for them.

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