100-100 M.'Flamingo'

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Thumbnail by Leftwood
Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)


Thumbnail by Leftwood
Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)


Thumbnail by Leftwood
Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)


Thumbnail by Leftwood
Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)


Thumbnail by Leftwood
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

is the m - miscanthus, those look like they are all seedheads and no leaves, quite large.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Yes, Miscanthus, and there are leaves there. Picture taken in fall time. The willow behind it turns color very late, and you are looking at some of the already turned leaves of the miscanthus. Really quite pretty as the sunny side of the stems are heavily blushed with red/pruple. The specimen was planted in mid June from a very full 6" square pot. Quite vigorous.

BTW, the lily is Lilium lankongense.

Flamingo seems to hold up fairly well in the winter too:

Thumbnail by Leftwood
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Yeah I've had people ask me what's wrong with there willow having leaves on in winter - is it dead? I only have Dappled Willows.
This is Miscanthus 'Silver Feather' - very common. It's a spreader - I give away chunks every year.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Any clue as to what that weed is at it's base? It has really intrigued me so I let it grow. Should bloom this season. The clearest pic is 150-100.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Probably about now your are asking yourself why is this guy in this thread. Actually I had recommended someone to test a link here and was checking on them.
As far as your weed - my best is Shasta Daisy(leucanthenum) sort of floppy serrated leaves?

adding this pic

This message was edited Mar 10, 2006 8:29 PM

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Leaves entire with a light blue cast, and almost rubbery in texture. Definitely not anything chrysanthemummy. But thanks for trying. As I am finding out, fairly evergreen too. This one is really interesting to me, until I find out what stupid plant it actually is!

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Actually, I was a bit surprised to see you here, but in the end, who cares?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hey try this, mine is still green. Blooms later though, mine has seed stalks remaining some. It is rubbery and darker.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Nope. Leaves are not pointed either. I am planning on posting it when it is flowering, if I can't figure it out by then. Otherwise it is pretty hard to ID. Just thought since you already saw the pic, you might know right off the top of your head. Thanks anyway.

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