Tomato may be sick

Paris, TX

I transplanted tomato plants from the garden into pots and they have been growing in my greenhouse. I noticed their leaves are turning purple. Does anyone know what is happening? Up to this point they have bloomed and I have a few small tomatos. I was planning on put them back in the garden hopefully next month. I can't decide if I have watered too much or not enough. It has been cloudy for about a week so maybe not enough sun. Help

Thumbnail by raggins
Fulton, MO

Phosphorus deficiency, which tends to occur when the soil temps are too cool. SB

Paris, TX

Any suggestions? If it is sunny tomorrow should I bring them out?

Fulton, MO

Sure, if it would warm the soil. I would also apply a fert higher in phosphorus. SB

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

when u say you transplanted from the garden..when...last fall?

Paris, TX

Yes right before the first frost.

Paris, TX

Just an update on the tomatoes. I used a hibiscus fertilizer that someone on this website had talked about and have put the pots outside. The purple leaves are turning green again and looking good.

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