Best CP photo '06

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Alright so this forum needs a little bit of jump starting. So I figured beings it is beginning to get spring and thus all of our sarrs and the like will be perking up soon we should all start posting our best pics. At the end of the year we can figure a way to vote on the best pic and I will come up with something for the winner. If I win then I just get the pleasure of seeing all the photos. Plus this might make Phil get a camera. :-)

Ok I have posted this awhile ago but at the moment is one of my fav pics. As the season progresses I will update my fav picture.

N. 'Predator'

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Morning Craig,

Beautiful photo! I can hardly wait till mine sends a pitcher out.



Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Hey Wolf man, I really am planning to buy a camera but need to save up for it first. That's a great looking Predator. Mine currently has 6 inch pitchers on it.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Weww whooo... that pitcher is 6.5 inches. I actually did something really dumb, I moved around some lighting and had to set one of my four foot long shop lights on the ground and in the process chopped off my newest forming pred pitcher. Needless to say I was upset.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

I feel your pain man. I've done equally as many dumb things myself. When I move plants around in the greenhouse or grow chamber I now take them out of my path of walking...yes...I have actually stepped on top of plants I placed on the floor. The worst part is I had a preminition it was going to happen just before it did...but I did it anyways. Go figure!

Anyways the next pitcher will be so much bigger. Definitely something to look forward to.

Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Mornign Craig!

Oh my that is such a shame! My heart is with you.


"chopped off my newest forming pred pitcher"- OUCH! Really sorry about that.

The big momma pitcher you posted a photo of above is awe inspiring!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey thanks for the comments. I need to state that I was mistaken. The pitcher in the picture is 6.5 inches tall but the newest one is 8 inches tall. Think how big the one would be that I chopped off! And that isnt even the worst part not only did I chop off a forming pitcher that was already 3 inches tall I also snapped the end of the tendril from the next pitcher in line! UGh, now I will have to wait a good 3 months for my next predetor pitcher. Hopefully my sarrs will look nice by then and ease the pain.

You've got one bigger than the big momma pitcher? You really have become Mr. Nep! Too cool. I think the largest pitcher we ever had over here was 4" and that plant came with pitchers. I thinkit was the biggest plant he ever bought.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

4''? I hope he is sitting then when he receives the package from me this spring.

Most of the plants he bought were in the 2-3" range. My Dad (assisted by a lady friend) bought him a few from Black Jungle Terrarium (I think) that were about the same size. They fit nicely into little 3" pots. I forgot who he bought the big one from but I think it was Par-O-Bek. That was the one that had the 4" pitcher on it. Par-O-Bek has very healthy Neps.

He will probably have heart failure if it's bigger than the biggest one he has.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

I hope not, I dont want your boy having problems because of me

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Well I am unplesantly surprised at the lack of photos posted. I figured I could atleast get a couple other people to post. Pixy, lets see some pics of your pings. Lauren, you have to have a ping flowering - gypsicola? & Nick has to have a nep that is photo worthy.

Okay okay! So I just found this thread and was trying to think of some sort of entertaining comment about your pitcher picture, a comment that wouldn't get deleted by Terry. The brain is slow this morning.
I like this photo best, but I'll post one of the pings if I can find them.

Speaking of pings, I have my Pinguicula primulaflora's outside in the extra little greenhouse and I'm not liking the way they look. They are still green but they are really pale. Should I move them into the greenhouse? Our weather has been unseasonably cold, even though they are protected. I don't want to lose them because I promised Lauren some of mine, since she killed hers.

Well I cannot find any cool photos of the pinguiculas. I have no idea what file they are in. So I'll have to take another one. But my Drosera binata is getting ready to flower, so I'll photograph it when it does.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2006 11:46 AM

Thumbnail by
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Nice photo Pixy, looks like maybe a D. capensis and a couple of D. binata's?

Yup. Plus a little cluster of what might be D. filiformis. It was the D. binata that I bought. When it started putting on new growth this year, the other two appeared in the pot.

Nice little D. binata. I don't see the filiformis. Where is it in the photo? Just steer me to the general area.

If the primulaflora dies, it's not a big deal. Just buy me a "Green Monster', that will surely make up for the tears I will shed over losing another primulaflora. I can't tell you whether to move them into the greenhouse or not because I have killed mine. I would not be the person to suggest anything as pertains to those.

Nick does have a few nice Neps and I have a few Pings that are growing up quite nicely that we can post photos of. The gypsicola are just now waking up. I'm most impressed with my surprise P. gigantea baby. That threw me for a loop when the leaf pulls didn't take on that but the leaf placed next to the parent plant did. I think its about the size of a quarter now if not almost the size of a half dollar. The next ping baby I am happy with is the moranensis. That's doing great too. Of course my pride and joy are the 'John Rizzi' babies. Actually, all of them are doing well. We have some U. sandersonii 'Blue' in bloom. I don't know if my camera can grab an image of that and still be in focus though. I can try. Still nothin stirrin in the Sarr dept yet but then it has been pretty cold lately. That d. binata I thought was dead is doing very well. That was another sleeper plant.

Okay, the things I think could be D. filiformis can barely be seen to the right of the crown of the upper plant. If you find the long green stem slightly off the middle of the photo and look just peeking out from behind that down at the crown of the plant, you might see a slender thread-like stem with beads of dew on it. It's not part of the D. binata or part of the D. spathulata.

Now see Lauren, as the mother of mortal children, you should already know that babies grow best when they are close to their mothers! Next time you want baby pings, just lay the leaves on the surface next to the mommy plant. Works every time! Looking forward to your photos!

Oh, and I made a recent Sarr purchase. It's Sarracenia leucophylla 'Titan'. Dormant, of course, but it looks healthy and it's been growing at a nursery in my neck of the woods. Not worthy of a photo right now, but come spring I'll post one. If spring ever does come.

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