Vent pecking hen

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

I have one little hen that seems to be pecking the vents of the other hens. I had been noticeing blood on some of the eggs a couple of times. Since it was on the eggs of more than one hen, it was puzzling. But I finally caught her at it. She would wait until another hen was in process of laying her egg, and she would peck the vent when the hen was helpless to move away or defend herself.
I have her seperated from the others now, but don't have a seperate place to keep her on an ongoing basis. She needs a nest to lay her eggs also.
I think they are bored, as there isn't anything green (grass, weeds, bugs) this time of year to peck at. Their pen is big enough to be comfortable I think, so I don't think that's the cause.
Anyone else had a problem with this? If so, what did you do ?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Others will have more ideas, but you can always throw part of a bale of straw, a bag of leaves, or anything like that in that will keep them amused. I'm glad you've got that hen on her own... ick.

A cardboard box will do fine for her egg laying, at least for a couple of months if it doesn't get wet. Anyway, it's easy to replace.

That's just wacky! :)

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Crazy chickens ! I scattered some straw on the floor of their pen. They seemed to think that was great. It had lots of seeds in it too, so that was a bonus. They seem happy and busy today. I can't wait until we have green stuff growing again...... Their pen is right next to the garden.
I usually scatter straw in their pen when it rains or snows to keep it from getting too muddy.
I read that once they draw blood, the incidence of canabalism is a threat.
I hope none of the others got the idea and start doing that. This has gone on for a couple days before I figured out what was happening.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

She may forget about it. I wonder if there's a dietary link. I don't mean you feed them badly, as you've mentioned what you feed and it sure looks fine to me, but whether she needs something extra.

Straw is a lifesaver. Other things I get cheap and throw in are old winter squash (halved) and heads of cabbage.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i read that the pumpkin seeds [and liely squash] are really good for them, natural wormers!

i get alfalfa and grass hay free from the feed store. i just take some empty bags and rake up the loose stuff for them!

Peggy, hope this stiuation gets cleared up, good thing you noticed in time..

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Ya that I think about it, I got their egg pellets from a different feed store this time. I usually get it in town, but this time I was almost out, and in a hurry, so I just ran up to the little country feed store up the road. I wonder if it was lacking something they need. I read an article that said some feeds are 'cut' and diluted with fillers. I better check the tag. I know it said 16% egg pellets, but I guess I better read the whole list of ingredients. It wasn't any cheaper than what I get in town.

Plymouth, MI

i have heard that hanging a head of cabbage at the level of th echicken backs is very amusing and will keep them busy for a very long time, i've never had to try it.

just a thought!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

now, that sounds like fun!

welcome to Dave's Garden, hunterboy725....!!!


Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

My chickens don't attack each other in a harmful way, but they do occasionally squabble and pull out each others tail feathers. I assumed that was their way of "establishing the pecking order". The one with the least tail feathers is on the bottom of the pecking order! Whenever I can I give them a basket ful of weeds from the garden, branches from trimming bushes, rake up cut grass after I mow, or whatever I can find to throw in there. Whether they eat it or not doesn't really matter - they have fun with it.

Just for grins one time I stopped at a convenience store that sells live bait and bought a couple dollars worth of live crickets, got my DH with me and then opened the bag and sprinkled crickets all over the chicken pen. They went crazy running around and snapping the up - it was really funny!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yeah, makes me want to grow worms for them.... last year the kids and i spent a half hour or more a day catching grasshoppers for our dear little guineas...


Plymouth, MI

peggiek, zeppy said that you pulled of making an incubator out of an aqaurium. if you could tell me how i would be very grateful!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i don't recall what she made it out of, styrofoam i thought. she'll be coming to share soon i bet! somewhere in this forum you will find a thread she started about it... and lots of folks tlaked about different ways to make them, and the humidity factor. if i can find it i will bump it up for you...


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Oops, I just meant she made one herself. I didn't know if it was w/ an aquarium or not. Sorry!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, i know you know that zeppy, just didn't want hunterboy to get too excited LOL


Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

:-D , somebody talkin 'bout me ? Oh yeah, it's NOT about me ? .........that's right, it's the incubator. hehe

I made it from the sheet styrofoam insulation you get at the lumber yard in 4' X 8' panels. Cut it down and made a box, using duct tape and caulk to hold it together. I cut a square hole in the top for a window and duct taped an old glass from a picture frame so I could see inside without opening. I used duct tape to hinge the top on so I could open and close it from the top. Looked ridiculous, but worked good. Check out the other thread for more details. Thanks for your interest.

Plymouth, MI


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