what is wrong with this pitcher plant

Elkhart, IN

what is wrong with this pitcher plant

Thumbnail by nurselavern
Elkhart, IN

this is picture number 2 what kind soil should i use to replant this plant

Thumbnail by nurselavern

OOh, That does look bad. I'm bumping you up to the top of the forum. If you don't get any action from one of the local experts, go into one of the really active threads and dmail Wolfstriker, Philcula, or Equilibrium directly and send them a link to your thread.
I know that you aren't supposed to use soil at all to pot these. They need air at their roots and like a very loose, free draining mixture invovling sphagnum moss and perlite or pumice.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Nurse,

First, did you just purchase this plant and it looked like that when you got it? Or have you been growing it for some time and it all of a sudden started to look like that? If the latter then what are your growing conditions ie: temp HI/LO, Humidity, type and duration of light and amount of water you use.

Also do you know what kind of media it is planted in? Pixy is right you dont want to use soil for nepenthes. You can use straight long fibered sphagnum moss, or a mix of peat moss and perlite and orchid bark. Those are both pretty common mixes.

It is hard to tell from the pictures and with the lack of information what the problem is. If it is growing in good conditions I think I would say repot into correct media and chop off the bad parts on top. If it is a fungal problem this will get rid of the infected part. And the nep will regrow w/o problem.


Two different plants. The first plant looks healthy but maybe a little banged up. It probably isn't getting enough light and it needs to be potted in a Nep mix instead of Miracle Grow potting mix. I like Wolf's suggestions of a mix containing peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark.

The second plant has little white spots appearing all over it. I'd sort of like to see close up photos of the undersides of the leaves on that plant as well as close ups of the spots.

Elkhart, IN

here are three pictures of a close up of the leaveson top and the bottom of the leaves

Thumbnail by nurselavern
Elkhart, IN

here is picture number two

Thumbnail by nurselavern
Elkhart, IN

picture number threenurselavern

Thumbnail by nurselavern
Elkhart, IN

i have not changed the soil on this plant it has the same soil it it had when i bought the plant. i have had the plant for about three or four weeks. i bought this one and the larger one at the same time. i have cut of some of the dead leaves but i stopped didn,t know if i was doing the right thing. so you all can see i need help. nurselavern

I can't tell from the photo if that white spot is a deposit, like from hard water, on the leaves, or whether it might be a nasty mealy bug. Is that white stuff in the crotch of the leaf and stem in photo number 2?

Elkhart, IN

i bought some spray for the plant i have sprayed it and took it away from my other plants . i have also cut off the dead leaves . i will let you know how it comes out. thanks nurselavern

What kind of spray did you purchase? None of your pictures had enough detail to get a good peek but I was thinking scale myself.

Elkhart, IN

i bought some garden safe houseplant and garden inscet spray. it says it kills scale,fungus gnats,mealybugs,whiteflies,aphids,ants thrips, mites, japanese bettles,i sprayed it yesterday. nurselavern

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