Acer leucoderme and Acer barbatum seed

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Will anybody on this forum have access to seeds of Acer leucoderme and/or Acer barbatum during this season? If so, I'd love to make a trade!


Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I dont have any myself, but I know Sheffields has them for sale.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks for reminding me of Sheffields. I spent some time today at work looking through their website, and I cannot get over their selection. I remember just a few years ago that they didn't seem to have nearly so much.

One thing though. Okay, two things. First, their prices are pretty high. Like $9.00 for twelve seeds, or thereabouts. But, also, if I'm reading their information correctly, some of these seeds are from collections dating back to 1996, 2000, etc. Despite the germination rate they include, I'm wondering about the viability of some of these seeds. And the germination rate they provide, is that from when the seeds were collected or from recent tests? I think I'll send them an email.

In the meantime, if someone has access to new, fresh, and free Acer leucoderme or Acer barbatum seeds this summer, remember me! I know I can find something in my bag of goodies that you want, need, can't live without.

By the way, does anybody know if these two maples hybridize where their ranges overlap? Does either of these maples cross with Acer saccharum?

Oh, and what the heck, while we're on this topic, does anybody (and I'm thinking Toejam in Colorado here) have access to Acer grandidentatum seed? Again, I'm in a trading mood. Might even have some Acer leucoderme or Acer barbatum seed to bargain with by then LOL. Or other things.


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