Musa Acuminita Sumatrana (Rojo)

Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7a)

I have one of these and it had a good season last year outside in its pot in my Zone 6b-7a garden. It has 3 or 4 main stalks that grew 4 feet tall. Of course, I had to bring it inside for the Winter and have kept it in fairly bright light, with regular watering but no fertilizer. Though growing some new leaves very slowly, it has slowly dropped lower leaves until it is just too "stalky".
What is my stategy for getting it back more bushy and healthy looking? Can you cut this variety's stalks to the ground to stimulate new growth from the root? Or just let it be, take it back outside when clear of frost, fertilize heavily and expect that kinda growth to occur naturally?

Thanks - Jimmy

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