Wanted to trade aquilegias, primulas

Violet Town, Victori, Australia(Zone 8a)

I am looking for seeds of the species of aquilegias, primulas. Can trade small amounts of species - A. longissima, A. skinneri, A. Clematiflora alba and cultivars Nora Barlow, Ruby Port. Also have small deep purple double (like Nora), single deep blue, single pink.

London, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi Terri,

I am interested in trading for your
A. longissima, A. skinneri and A. Clematiflora alba.

I have (in small amounts)
A. Biedermeir
A. Tequila Sunrise
A. Yellow Queen
A. Black Barlow
A. Songbird
A. Cameo Mix
A. Alpine Blue

(large amounts)
Tall purple columbine (unnamed)
Tall white columbine (unnamed)

Email me if your interested in trading.


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