What Makes Your Garden Grow in Augutsa?

Augusta, GA

I moved from NJ nearly 4 summers ago & haven't been successful in the gardening department. Gardening is very relaxing for me & need help!

My soil is a sand, black dirt & clay mixture; gardens exposed to sun from morning until 2-3pm.

I realized that I have a drainage problem which is the process of being resolved, so my root rotting problem should be fixed.

All you experienced gardeners...what grows well & where are the good nurseries?


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Toontes welcome and i am 5 minutes from augusta. if you d mail me i can tell you where to find the three nurseries we have here and maybe we could get to gether and talk some time. i am experimenting still but have been here in the area for over 15 years so i know our weather conditions.

as far as the clay and sand you have to work with it and condition it and basically live with it but its hard but i usually start to make my beds and add a good potting mix to it. i can tell you about how i do it if you want to d mail me. its long but not hard.

sun isnt hard to deal with either. simple trellises i make deal with that issue too.

as for a few plants that work well right off the top of my head are cannas junipers oleanders hibiscuses honey suckles

i would love to get with a person who lives in my area . Marie

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