Hoya BSI-1 X H. australis

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This is a post "just for the record". The cross that I have is not the same hoya as is sold by Ted Green as Hoya X 'Pinkie'. The H. BSI - 1 X H. australis (or maybe the otherway around, I don't know) that I have was hybridized (cross pollinated) by Ed Gilding and is no way linked to Ted Green's plant whatsoever. I know this for a fact.

As for the connection with H. naumanii - here is a paragraph from Mark's wonderful 'paper' on H. australis. It is conjectured that H. naumanii is a naturally occuring cross IN THE WILD between these two as there are so many pollinators and the distances minimal in places.

"There is a hybrid of australis and BSI-1(syn. subcalva) produced by Ed Gilding. To my knowledge, he distributed seedlings of this cross to a number of sources. One offered by Aloha Hoyas is pictured in this post. Another clone is offered by Ted Green, this one is named Hoya X "pinkie". There have been speculations made by several experts that Hoya naumanii may be a naturally occuring hybrid of australis and BSI-1. It was collected around 1980 on Gizo, near Bouganville. Australis and BSI-1 occur in the immediate region."

I love both the hybrid AND H. naumanii....both are fanatic bloomers for me...nearly all year round.


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