Vectobac (Bt var israelensis) for mosquitoes?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

We've got a big, big mosquito problem which affects the gardening as, come August, you can't go out there without getting 15 bites. I've used botanical bug sprays on our selves, I keep no standing water. But our yard is heavy clay and drains so slowly that after a rain it makes crackling and sucking sounds (ick). Does anyone know about how effective this Bt would be on our acre, or does it really not matter as the neighbors won't be using it (unless I treat their areas too). I'm looking at the Vectobac-WDG at Peaceful Valley, and I think "Gnatrol" is the same Bt.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)


I will look at the label of what I use - when I get off from work. I got it a Lowes and it was a mosquito BT in a grandular form. Worked fairly well but last year was not much of a test. Must have rain for enough water for mosquitos

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks. I'm going to spring for it this year. AND aerate the land/garden to see if things don't pool quite so much. Didn't know Lowes carried that!

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