ice storm//no power//nightmare

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Well not so nice here-power went off at 1.25am friday came back on today about 10:30am. All afternoon friday I bailed out the sump pump(my back hurts and i have blisters) and finally around 3pm we got a small generator to run the pump and then my DH(when he got home from work finally) rigged the furnace up so that we could run the heat then the sump and so on and on. We sent the 2 lil guys to their older brothers house where there was heat and power(tv) We had played truth or dare and some other games to keep them busy. They did go outside and play a little but it was so cold and windy and you cant warm up much in the house. The house stayed around 60 all day without any heat! I worked up quite a sweat hauling water from the sump pump. I boiled some water on the sideburner of the gas grill and had coffee and ramen noodles!!!
We stuck all the schwans ice cream outside in the snow for the night
We did FRY one tv when the generator had a power surge! grrrrrrrrrrrr
We didnt run the generator during the night and the temps got down to 58 in the house overnight and DH started the furnace before i got out of bed. We went to breakfast and when we got home we had power. Everything is ICE and just beautiful-magical looking but darn COLD.
We had quite the weather-rain and thunder and lightning and freezing rain and then the winds were up to 40mph. What a winter mess I cant wait for SPRING!!!
glad to have power again!!!
There are still people here without power-there are shelters set up but its hard to know this without catching it on the radio!!

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow Dori,

You had one heck of a day. I'm so sorry.



Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

That was a terrible ordeal for you. . .but, one thing it proves: 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going'. You coped wonderfully, at least in deed, even if you were ready to scream! Take care and let's hope the power stays on for you today. . .janet

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Ya know ... in the midst of the freeeeezing cold weather.. something you never hear..
"global warming"

Glad to hear you managed thro' the yuckie weather... it's been cold here, but nowhere near that cold ....

Snuggle up to the little ones & keep warm!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

thanks all

we are warm now and glad thats just a memory now! :)

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