newbie needs information on GH, pleeeaasseezzzzzzzzzzz

Benton City, WA(Zone 6a)

Thanks all for the encouragement you have given me on the other tread concerning buying a GH. As I said in my last post over there, if any of you have any plans or info about building a GH I would like to look at it and then maybe pass it on to my DH for consideration. He is a builder so would have no trouble building me one. Cost is the main concern, and time. We would need one that would stand up to the wind so plastic would be out. Also what books would you recommend not only for building one but just the whole science of growing in one. I've had plastic one-season lean2s before so I have some idea what I'm getting into. All your pictures and help is really making me excited about having one now. Also do any of you have your GH set underground? I was talking to a gal awhile back that has hers at least a foot or more under the ground and said it was great for year round growing, that the natural warmth of having it underground works well for heating it in the winter. Granted we don't get as cold as some of you do. A cold snap for us is in the teens, occasionally it will go under zero but not for very long.

Anyway as usually I'm going on and on too long.

PS Dumb me, I just saw the link to books and other infor about building a GH. I will take a look but your welcome to add any advise to my questions if you like. Thanks.

Thanks allot,
Lora from Sagewood Farm

This message was edited Feb 18, 2006 12:15 PM

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Lora...are you cold enough to worry too much about heat and earth warmth. I think I would get tired of stepping down into it ?


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