What new perennials are you adding for 2006?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I am thinking about Stoplight and Amber Waves, also some of the new coneflowers , anyone growing them? How did do for you? Plus, several dls are coming my way!


Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

I've got a long list of perennials I am starting this year - various species of monkshoods and foxgloves, three species of campanulas (the campanula thread has been really interesting for me), some oddball nightshades like Atropanthe sinensis and Anisodus tanguticus (seeds already up!), several kinds of columbines, and some native shrubs, like prairie nine-bark and Illinois rose. Yeah, it's a lot - but I look forward to the day when there is no lawn left to mow.:)

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I have Fanfare and Oranges & Lemons Gallardia, Ruby Tuesday Helenium. Pretty well caught up on the new coneflowers - Twilight is coming, probably pick up Fatal Attraction and Prairie Frost also.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Al, do you know if they do or do not come true from seed? Or only divisions? I love the Doubledecker coneflower.

I know one friend that could literally use a weekeater instead of a mower. Dls are

Paracelus, do you have a greenhouse? It sounds like you have a big project growing.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I have spent all winter asking or answering that question :})
The safest answer I have is that unless you see that variety with seeds for sale then they aren't 'true' offspring. I did send some to someone to try an experiment with. I do have some left if you wanted to try some too. These are some of my kinds
my doubledecker got sick and I had to put it to sleep - I do have seeds tho.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I'm getting: Mexican hats (Ratibida columnifera), the Dazzler Gaillardia, and some kniphofia for sure. Notice I didn't say "adding." We're starting from scratch with a new house. Whatever I get for sure has to like sun. The trees were just planted last year.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Al, I would love to try some of the seeds. I have a big field behind the house that I could move them to for naturalizing, if they all turn out purple.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

shoot me a dmail, we can talk

mc - i got some mexican hats for this year also.

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

bluegrass, I thought about getting a regular greenhouse this year. Last year I had way fewer plants and used two portable greenhouses, which was more than enough (they work great, by the way). This year I calculate I will have 1400 plants, so I am buying at least 5 more of the portable greenhouses and some row covers, plus someone has given me a coldframe. I hope that will be enough! Next year, though, I will defininitely get a real greenhouse. This year I have to spend the money on a new truck.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

paracelsus-- 1400 plants!? Where are you going to put them?

I caught the campanula bug, too, from the Campanula thread, and have ordered about 6 or 7 different seed packets for Wintersowing them. We shall see....! I will be sure to post a 'Campanula Bloom' photo thread come June for all of our results!

Also, succumbed to buying lots of perennial seeds from Value Seeds, the online 'Thompson & Morgan' Outlet -- including Ratibidia (Mexican Hats), various digitalis (foxglove), and gaillardia, too. Am wintersowing those, too.

Hopefully I will have some nice bloom pics in a few months, for now, I just have my Wintersowing pic to post...

Thumbnail by tabasco
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Can someone repost that value seed link? I could never get it to open?

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Had wonderful luck germinating the double decker coneflowers. Meadowbrite didn't sprout, but Sunset did. Yahoo

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Sarv,
Be sure to post some pics later in the year.
Part of the unknown about these new coneflowers is I'm sure the plant patents would stop anyone but themselves from sellings seeds, and why would they want to do that.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Oh no, I just counted the number of new kinds of perenials that I have seeds for and I can't imagine where they will go. 70 kinds. I have been winter sowing and not planting the whole package on most of the seeds, but still with only 50% germination I will have way more than I need and most likely there will be a better % germination on most of them.

I am not going to type them in I am way to lazy and I need to save my energy for the new gardens I will need to make. The goal is to have only a small area to mow by our patio. At this rate it won't take much longer. We have a city lot that is 40 feet by 125 feet. We are on a hill so there is some vertical space that adds to the actual square feet, but still I may be giving away or selling lots of plants this year.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Campanulas, too. I would buy every one if I had the money! Iam getting Chettle Charm, Blue Waterfall, Bernice, Calycanthema Doubles, and Glomerata, plus several of the tiny rock garden types.

Tall Blue Lobelias; more hardy Geraniums, like Orion, Striatum and Rozanne, maybe Splish-Splash.

Anemone Alice- for my daughter

Must get Ajuga Black Scallop! to weave in and out of Silver Beauty.

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

"paracelsus-- 1400 plants!? Where are you going to put them? "

All over, lol! I have an acre with not many plants on it.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

You could always mail some to me! Do you have a digital? I want to see pics for 2006!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Ivy-- about the campanulas--with the interest on the Campanula thread, if we all traded around we would have all the varieties!

I'm wintersowing 6 kinds of campanulas today. Hope some of them turn out.

I'm sure we could do the same thing on a thread with hardy geraniums...

Also five kinds of digitalis (biennial) for my semi shade garden.

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Ivy - I planted the blue waterfall campanula last year and it was gorgeous. I'd like to ring a bed with them - beautiful purple/blue flowers almost all summer

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

tabasco - thats a super idea! I have to get the plants first. I am sowing some as well. I can't remember the kinds- I know I am growing Canterbury Bells, but other than that I will have to check.

sarv48- I tried that the first year I gardened with "Blue Clips" but I killed them. Maybe I should try again with Waterfall. Did you deadhead to get that length of bloom?

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Under Plant files "they" say that blue waterfall will not come true from seed. I imagine they mean from seed in your own garden so the tiny plants coming from self sowed parent will not be true also. Does this hold true for most "named" cultivars? I must admit I buy mostly plants; however after 6 years, I am getting alot of self sown plantlets quite a distance from the original host. How do you know if these will be like the parent unless you wait until they,themselves, flower? Ken

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

ivy- no I don't dead head. There were not flowers every day - they would come in flushes, but the flushes came all summer long....

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

kandlmidd, if Blue Waterfall is a cultivar, it will come true from seed. If it's a hybrid, it won't. Usually, sellers have to say if something is a hybrid.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Parcelsus- Thank you! I have always wondered what the difference was. That is the best information I have read in a long time!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I have a ton of things being winter sowed this year also, and I have about 6 more packs of seeds yet to go. I also have some that will be direct sowed come spring. If everything comes up, like Zen, I'll have a ton of plants. We're on 6 acres, of which only the 1 acre with the house on it has garden beds. I'll be adding two beds this year, one in front of the house, and other down the driveway, as well as working on a combined natural and planted walk through the woods. If I had had to buy all the plants for my project list, I'd have to sell the car! What I don't end up using here, I figure will be great for trades for plants that I didn't seed.

I added several geranium Splish Splash last year. Can't wait to see it go to town this year.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

sstateham- please post pics of Splish-splash when it blooms...

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Will do, Ivy :)

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