Personal preferences puzzle

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

The crew is just blazing a trail through the jumbles. That's good; shows winter hasn't frozen all the synapses.

Here's another round for those not already under the table:


The answer is the binomial scientific name of a woody plant native to the eastern US. Escalating clues can be provided if needed.

For those of you that want the game to last longer, send me a d-mail. For those that want more new threads, shoot your answer here. Digital jousting and sparring is expected.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

OK, you're slow today.


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)



Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Somebody stop me...


Fulton, MO

I can't decide witch anagram I like best! SB

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

I am so far under the table, I'm not coming out till it warms up.

I like the "HI! I...I'M A LASAGNA VERMIN" anagram best.

Ken, they're all anagrams for the same species.

Here's an image (isn't mine) that bears a striking resemblence to me from this website to help you out-

These anagrams drain my brain too!

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Is it Carpinus viscidiflorus?

On a more serious note, Equil, was that picture from the Jim Stafford album about Swamp Witch Hattie? One of my favorite old songs whenever I go swampin'!

Black Water Hattie lived back in the swamp
Where the strange green reptiles crawl
Snakes hang thick from the cypress trees
Like sausage on a smokehouse wall
Where the swamp is alive with a thousand eyes
An' all of them watchin' you
Stay off the track to Hattie's shack
in the back of the Black Bayou

Way up the road from Hattie's shack
Lies a sleepy little Okeechobee town
Talk of swamp witch Hattie
lock you in when the sun go down
Rumors of what she'd done,
rumors of what she'd do
Kept folks off the track of Hattie's shack
In the back of the Black Bayou

One day brought the rain and the rain stayed on
And the swamp water overflowed
Skeeters and the fever grabbed the town like a fist
Doctor Jackson was the first to go
Some said the plague was a brought by Hattie
There was talk of a hangin' too
But the talk got shackled
by the howls and the cackles
From the bowels of the Black Bayou

Early one morn 'tween dark and dawn
when shadows filled the sky
There came an unseen caller
on a town where the hope run dry
In the square there was found a big, black, round
Vat full of gurgling brew
Whispering sounds as the folk gathered round
'It came from the Black Bayou'

There ain't much pride when you're trapped inside
A slowly sinkin' ship
Scooped up the liquid deep and greenAnd the whole town took a sip
Fever went away and the very next day
the skies again were blue
Let's thank old Hattie for savin' our town
We'll fetch her from the Black Bayou

Party of ten of the town's best men
headed for Hattie's shack
Said swamp witch magic was useful and good
And they're gonna bring Hattie back
Never found Hattie and they never found the shack
And Never made the trip back in
There was a parchment note
they found tacked to a stump
Said, 'Don't come lookin' again'

Guy S.

Carpinus viscidiflorus- wrong!

I have no idea where that image is from other than the link I provided above. I just went and did a google search for images of a witch and that one stuck out as being particularly "choice".

I've never heard the song but the lyrics are wonderful. I like poetry. Thanks for posting that.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

C'mon, kandlburnedatbothends, come out and play.

Stressbaby could tell which hazel was witch hazel.

Hamamelis virginiana it is, elvish Riesling lasagna vermin and all.

This is just a nice picture of home.

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Gorgeous view in spectacular light -- are those your horses?
Do they eat viburnums?

Is the puzzle Carpinus metarotundarifolia?

Guy S.

Carpinus metarotundarifolia- wrong

Guy, you're slipping. V V parted with the answer. The answer was Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana).

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Carpinus iminoritramaximowburilensis?

Guy S.

Carpinus iminoritramaximowburilensis! Way to go Guy!

Denver, CO

I've missed something.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Guy on a chocolate high...or he's still numb from his trip to the RomeoNJoliet conference.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Just following Deliverance's lead!

Guy S.

Denver, CO

But what kind of Hornbeam is "Carpinus iminoritramaximowburilensis"? Something growing in a SciFi novel? My latin is sad enough not to understand it.
K. James

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I dunno -- I just started typing, and that's what came out! Delinquent had started guessing that every jumble was a Carpinus of some kind, so I was just joining in.

Guy S.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Easy just break it down Kenton: Iminon ( im not what you think i am), tram (locked to go no where but where im told to), ximow ( uncut, wild, not conforming to others), buri (deep rooted) ensis, (One who flies too close to the sun). Definatly a Gemini (june) bearing Tree. Styrax Japonica.

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Sofa, you're too much. That explanation is a classic. Is this what you said to the poor cowboy who said: doc, my cow is sick.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

The only way you get paid for what you do is to infer that you know more than the one who is paying you. Yes that is why some day I may get to retire. The best part of my job is to tell stories to people who need to hear something good when times are not. Special diagnosis names are: Siamese jumping disease, Cranky Cow disease, Down and udders, Herriot helped with how to make your job more than work.

Denver, CO

I can tell that Steve is one of this country's finest doctors. What do you do, Soferdig?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I thought you knew that I was a veterinarian. I'm now a locum (traveling) vet. I fill in for every one who wants to get away. It is nice this way because I'm no longer working 24/7 as I was in Seattle with my own practice.

Denver, CO

Travelling vet, eh? Ah, so you can "get away" when your patient's owners get thier bill. The music man returns!
K. James

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

"every dollar spent in veterinary care for your pet gets you closer to heaven." Quote god. Note god spelled with a small "g". HAHA

Vets are my favorite people. I help them pay off their mortgages and put their children through college. I must be in heaven right now and I don't even know it. Ask my check book!

Who is Steve? Steve, whoever you are... I hope you aren't an OB/Gyne. Actually I have no great love for Dentists either however some of our best family friends are Dentists. I think I like my Internists best, they both have a sense of humor.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

soferdig = Steve. same dude. We love you who pay for those who love you more than even your children.

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

There was a time when all those recent steer calves were not looking at me with love in their hearts.

Sofer is Steve is a vet! Well, Smoochie smoochie and huggie huggie to you too sofer.

I have vets for horses, vets for cats, vets for dogs, vets for birds, and vets licensed for wildlife. Then I have specialty vets for anything that goes wrong after hours when I can't reach one of my personal vets at home to meet me back at their place. Those emergency vets are generally younguns and I dread going to those clinics. Then I have specialty vets for everything not already covered elsewhere. Did I mention I even have a vet for herps- man oh man get ready to lose your left lung when you go to him. Let me tell you about a $150 tube of ointment (visit and culture included) for an eastern painted turtle that had a fungal infection that ended up in my little ornamental pond out front and I most certainly did not put her there. Have you ever- now tell the truth sofer... tried to apply ointment a few times a day to a turtle's neck? The minute you come near them with the tube they suck in all their body parts. I don't even want to talk about the bill I got for the Turkey Vulture that I thought was dead on the road a few years ago. He's fine now...

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I don't do reps and birds. Just because of what you say. I have often treated them for things I know about but I try to act stupid to keep the snakes out of my office. I had a 12' python 2 years ago that hit me between the eyes when I opened it's crate. With a mouth about 12" wide it knocked me back and my techs ran from the room leaving the Python wrapped around me. Now I have a phobia about snakes so I grew in character that day. It was not the snakes fault because she had been shipped on airplane and stressed to the max. but still snakes freak me out. The price of diagnostics in herps is huge so no body likes the person who presents the bill. I now can call what I see because the vets are anxious to get someone in who can run the whole show and not doing birds and reps is not a big problem.
Its hard to get a good veterinarian for emergencies cause who wants to work with people who are angry out about their hit by car dog. Then does not want to pay to have the vet stay up all night paying staff to save their life. It is a bad situation for both. If they would only look at health insurance the problems would be solved. Soon there will be no one doing what isn't appreciated. yes I'm hardened about this.

Oh my, you hit a sore spot with me. Unleashed dogs being allowed to run. It's not the dog's fault it has an irresponsible owner.

Our herp vet is arrogant. People expect a bill when they bring an animal in, professionals don't give services away for free and we are paying for their knowledge and expertise. People don't expect to be patronized or treated as if they haven't more than 2 neural cells to rub together. This particular vet has a reputation that precedes him but... he's the only one around. Not much you can do but stand there and watch as he swirls the turtle around on the table to examine it. I bit my tongue. I paid the bill in full. Truth be known, he is the only vet I have ever had to deal with who I did not trust or respect. I love my other vets, many have dealt with me for around 20 years and one has dealt with me providing care for my cats for 30 years. Most of my vets even give me a price break of around 20% when the animal isn't mine that I bring in. I appreciate that given I know all too well what the costs of diagnostics are and I can't begin to imagine what their overhead is running businesses in this area. They deserve the money they get as well as the right to pay their mortgages and send their kids to college. I can choose not to use their services by not taking in so many darn animals. Ultimately, the care of every animal I bring in is my responsibility not theirs. Tee he, my vet for my cats called me once about 20 years ago and told me to come in to his office because he had something he wanted to show me. I came in and people were giggling. I knew something was up. He brought out a semi-long haired cat that was beautiful. He told me it was a gift and that all it needed was insulin twice a day. I took the cat home and named him after my vet and had him for many years. My vet's wife gifted me a three legged cat once. I named that one after their son and had him for many years too.

What can I say, at least when my normal vets present me with a bill... they tell me they feel for me. Quality goods and quality services never have been and never will be free.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You are an angel equilibrium! We veterinarians are always greatful for people with hearts for those in need. My house is full of 4 cats and 2 dogs that people did not wanted either. I often bring home the animal people don't want to keep alive due to cost. They get to live the short remainder of their lives in our garden.
Your perspective on veterinarians is unfortunatly unique. Most people justify that we are rich doctors and are ripping them off. i have never made as much as a Boeing laborer in Seattle. But my wealth is unlimited in the friends I have had in my life.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

A "retired" equine vet here, though never for Equilibrium(that I know of).

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

How did you ever retire. you must do what I do and don't spend any $. You equine guys must have better clients than I did. How long have you been retired? What school did you graduate from?

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Graduated from Iowa State about 15 years ago. I retired from the vet biz in 1999 or so. Switched careers to money management. Best thing I ever did!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Smart man Kevin5. I graduated from Michigan State in 76. I'm semi retired doing locum work. Right now I'm up in Alaska on Kodiak Island. That way I get to travel and it doesn't cost anything. I usually bring back 100 # of fish every trip. Though no fisheries going right now. I sold my practice and have invested that in realestate here in Montana. Things have done real well in my last 2 buy sell homes. I just bought a 10 acre view horse ranchette monday. I develope and fix up what is there and sell when the market tells me to.

Oregon City, OR(Zone 8b)

I'd like to taste the sweet white wine with a cigar aftertaste.

This message was edited Feb 22, 2006 10:39 AM

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