Weight Loss Challange February 17 - 25(?)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Ok, so I'm a day ahead of myself. I have such a headache that I can barely think. Don't know what has caused it but I suspect the changes in barametric pressure.

I have a doctor appointment before work to see if he agrees with what my family and I are thinking. We all agree I am battling depression. I really don't feel depressed, just flat lined in the emotion department. I know Prednisone can cause that and maybe after nearly 11 years it has caught up with me. I have been going thru my PDR looking at as many meds for depression I can think of to see what side effects each may cause. I know not everyone reacts the same and has the same side effects but there are some I just find very objectional and am unwilling to put up with. Like gas. Several of them list that at the first of the list so it much be quite common.

I need to get my appointment questions, etc. made and go early so that hopefully I will get in early. With this practice it isn't uncommon to be able to see the doctor much earlier than schedules. Some people don't show up, etc.

GOD bless and keep all of you.

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