Trouble with lily

Plaquemine, LA(Zone 8b)

I bought a peace lily, I think thats what it is, last year. When I bought it, the flower was white and it looked great. I have had trouble with it ever since. They don't want to grow, and strangly the small flower it did have was green. The leaves keep turning brown at the edges, and they just won't grow and look nice and lush. Could it be that they just need more sun, food,what could I be doing wrong????????
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi Mary. I've had similar problems with peace lilies in the past to, and I attributed it to low humidity, but I was never sure. I always baby my garden plants and tend to neglect my houseplants, but this winter have done much better. Unfortunately my peace lilies got so ugly I tossed them before I started rescuing the houseplants.

You may have responses from more knowlegable members if you post on the houseplant or tropicals forum. The peace lily is'nt a true lily (like the Easter Lily or Tiger lily) that most of us here are fanatics over, lol. Good luck, Neal.

Plaquemine, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Neal.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Somehow Louisiana and low humidity don't belong in the same sentence!!!!! :-)

Do you have a picture of it, Mary?

Plaquemine, LA(Zone 8b)

I'll get a pic. today and post it.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Good point Steve. In my zone I only think of them as house plants, so I'm only considering dehumidified heated or cooled air.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I've had trouble with mine too. I acquired several when my parents passed away.

One thing that seems to work is cutting off the dead foliage and then repotting. When I repot, I just use a miracle gro potting mix with some fertilizer and I cut back the roots a little. When you repot, check for bugs too.

Hope that helps!


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