Can anyone ID this shrub?

Cleveland, OH

Well, I found this Shrub at the Cleveland metroparks zoo. No one there knew what it was. I think it is an Amalanchier but would like some other opinions. It is Alternate leaved, has lenticels, and the flower parts are in groups of 5. The flowers are arranged in loose (panicles?) of 2-5 flowers that elongate very much like other Amalanchier species as they begin to open. the flowers are much smaller than other species I've seen and the petals are pale apple green. Here is a scan of the branch with buds/flowers. but I don't know if it will help. Seems like it must be in the family Rosaceae.

Thumbnail by bogman
Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

From Hortus Third: Amelanchier

sanguinea (Pursh) DC. Arched-ascending to straggling shrub 3-10 ft. tending to form colonies, twigs reddish: leaves elliptic-oblong to roundish, green, 1-21/2 in. long, with 10-15 sharp teeth per in., primary veins mostly 12-15 pairs; sepals to 1/8 in. long, recurving from the middle, petals narrow-spatulate to linear, to 1/2 in. long, ovary tomentose above; fr. to 1/4 in. in diameter. Que. to Ont., s. to N.C., Iowa. Zone 5 Treated by some auths. as a hybrid of A. canadensis and A. ovalis

A guess based on the assumption it is an Amelanchier, and I know you know your stuff. I have planted dozens of Serviceberrys (tree form) for our municipality and this one is a toughie. Does it "fit the profile"?
Hats off to you bogman!

Cleveland, OH


turns out the plant is a winterhazel, Corylopsis. This is not a very common plant in our area, although it is available. I found this photo in horticopia and it is a near perfect match.

Thumbnail by bogman

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