need help my lillies are growing

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

I purchased some starblazer lillies and since I was going out of town I put them in the basement as sugested by the cpmpany that i bought them from. . Couple days ago I checked on them and they are groWing with stems of about 6 inches what should I do? should I plant then right away in a pot and let them bloom inside then transplant them outside in the spring or what I am at loss . This has never happened to me before.....

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I would pot them up right away before the bulb becomes exhausted. Water and keep them in a cool dark place. Do you have a root cellar? That would be best. Otherwise, the bottom of your fridge. This should stimulate root growth and stop the tops from growing, or slow it down. Then bring them out when the soil thaws out and plant them. Good luck!

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

I would have to say I agree with andycdn. I hadn't thought about how you could slow the top growth and encourage root formation, but his advice seems good to me. I have a north upstairs room that we close off for the winter and I would keep mine there.

Even if you can't get them into a cold but above freezing environment I would still get them potted up as quick as possible and keep as cool as possible.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the info I will try that and hope for the best.

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