Question About Lettuce

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Looking for some info for a novice lettuce grower:

As lettuce gets older and starts to grow vertical are the leaves still OK to eat? I snipped some leaves off of several plants, and at the cut, there was a milky fluid oozing out. The leaves look fine but are they OK to eat? Thanks for any info.


Palo Alto, CA

I tried it once. As the lettuce starts to bolt - the plant wants to send up a flower stalk and produce seeds - the leaves get rather bitter.

As far as I know, this bolting comes afterthe plant gets a certain amount of daylight, and there's no way to stop it. The recommended thing to do is sow lettuce every couple of weeks, so you'll have a constant supply. I'm not familiar with your region - I'm still trying to translate garden books for northern California - so I don't know how well your lettuce will do in the summer. Around here it's grown commercially close to the coast so it gets the summer coolness and fog.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks tardigrade. I guess my real question is: Is the lettuce with the milky oozings ok to eat even if it's bitter? Thx,


Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

It is ok to eat - just does not taste the best.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks, Mitch

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