
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I planted 3 var. privet about 4-5 yrs ago as one wall of a garden room. They've gotten really tall and scraggly looking and really don't work well in this state as a "wall". Will these shrubs thicken back up if I prune them? If so ...when and how much should I loped them back ?

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Red,

Sorry to see no one has found your post yet. Maybe the word "privet" makes them cringe!

The genus is widely known for its sprouting capabilities, which must be why they are used for hedges. Many species also are very invasive and smell bad, and in general they are not looked upon with much respect do at least in part to those traits. The golden ones also tend to look bleached out in sunny spots and leggy in shady ones. But hey, you already have them, so let's try to make the best of it.

You can whack them off about 2" above the ground and they will sucker up with a vengeance. Do it now, before they begin to grow.

Once that's done, then try to prune the suckers to varying lengths next winter to encourage density without giving them a "haircut" look. Or else just shear them into a formal hedge, if you really must (and widest at the bottom), and be prepared to keep shearing them all summer or face the "NEED a haircut" look.

Guy S.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Hey Guy!

Thanks for the info. I'm not after a "haircut" look,just a bit thicker so they serve more the purpose of a garden room wall. Not the best choice but they were on sale...LOL


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