Hydrangeas in my zone?

Burchard, NE(Zone 5b)

I want to plant a row of hydrangeas along the foundation of my house, where an old flowerbed used to be. I'm not sure what type to plant. I've read that some "zone 5" hydrangeas don't do so well, and won't bloom this far north (I'm in zone 5b, I think). I thought about the PeeGees, but these will be planted in front of two large windows, and anything above 5' may be too tall. I am also wondering how they will survive in this crazy Nebraska weather. We've had an unseasonably warm winter, and our summers are usually pretty hot. The flower bed is on the south side of the house; will they fry there? Sorry so many questions, but I think that hydrangeas are just gorgeous, and the dried heads go for a pretty penny at the farmer's markets around here. I would really appreciate any input you may have. Thanks in advance...

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Redhed,
Boy I'm not sure about any hydrangea liking the south exposure, east or north would be better. These are listed as full sun, but you really might need to rethink varieties. Anyway these 2 are paniculata's (late panicle)

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