Attached Even Span

Germantown, TN

As I have cruised researching and planning the construction of my GH, I have occasionally come across Attached Even Span Greenhouses. The One end of the GH is attached to the structure (Brick wall of home) and the other end is the door. I am curious if anyone here has such a structure and has any photos. In addition I wonder about the ventilation in such a house. Typical end house fans with louvers on the opposite wall wont work here. And I have yet to see a good description of the best way to adapt ventilation to this style.

I can come up with some guesses, and theory, on how to use low vents, and ridge vents with fans on the end with the door, but anyone have practical experience with this setup?


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have posted this before,

and back view, the greenhouse door leads out to the deck.

I walk into the greenhouse from an upstairs room. ( barefoot in Winter!!!!) Ventilation is not a problem in Winter, as a matter of fact, it also helps heating the rest of the house on sunny days. If you were to use it in the Summer you must use shade cloth, and better even, have an airconditioner separate from the rest of the house. I place all my plants outside for the Summer anyway, so I only have to worry about it heating up during very sunny early Spring and Fall days. An automatic fan set to 80 degr F kicks in and takes care of heat builtup on those days.

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