Thunbergia grandiflora plant wanted

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I will be wanting to trade for a good-sized plant in either white or blue or BOTH. It won't be safe to trade plants until late March, but if anyone will have one available, I would like to hear from you. Please dmail me, and THANKS!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Kay I have the Thumbergia Battiscombi and I will be cutting it up tomorrow. It got frost bite and I am going to divide it up and see what all I can salvage. If I have some extra your welcome to some. Let me know if your intrested and i will try and get you one potted up and ready to ship.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, Dee - YES - I would love one! What would you like in trade? I will send my 'haves' list if you'd like - just dmail me. THANKS!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

is battiscombi the same as grandiflora? if it isn't willowwasp i am getting a grandiflora this week and would like to trade cuttings. i figure the plant i am getting is small and may not be ready for cuttings yet but i will get it to you when i can. also i have a yellow flowered hawaiian woodrose that i planted from seed. it's not ready yet either but it grows faster than anything i have ever seen. and kay if it isn't the same i could send you a cutting too. barb

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Bar, that is so sweet of you. Let's keep in touch - dmail me - it's just too iffy weatherwise to chance trading now.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey girl!
I have some. Just let me know when you are ready for one. We can trade, or I can send for postage.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, Cat - that would be great! I will let you know - probably the end of March. My yellow mg's are SPROUTING!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Taylor - I am red-faced here - I called you by someone else's name - please forgive this old woman!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a) thunbergia battiscombi (msp) the same as grandiflora? i could look it up but i enjoy getting the scoop from you. just from different posts i have seen you make i get the idea you have the garden to die for. sounds like you grow a lot of things up there that you have to work really hard at keeping bcs. of the temps you guys get.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, I do grow more flowers than most, I am told (by husband), but it's my hobby and my passion and my psycologist, so I put a lot of effort into them!

Here is the information on T. battiscombi:

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

yes i saw that one too. but i think the grandiflora is more hardy, isn't it and the flowers aren't as blue? and i feel the same about my plants.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know about the difference in hardiness, but it is a lighter blue and it is much prettier IMHO!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

which is prettier? and which is lighter? and what does imho mean?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Thunbergia grandiflora is lighter blue than T. battiscombi. T. grandiflora is a huge vine which I think is prettier. IMHO means "in my humble opinion".

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

my education continues. and you know about that iochroma i thought it wouldn't grow outside in zone 8a. but i just had communication with someone in 8a/7b that says they grow it outside. they said they take cuttings in the fall, stick them in the ground and by the spring they have rooted. they live in wash. state. isn't that weird that they would be in almost the same planting zone as i am in texas? thanks for all your information. barb

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Washington state is much more humid than Texas - thus, plant cuttings would root more easily.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

but they will live outside here. that excites me so much. it might not rain for months here, you're right.

Moody, TX(Zone 8a)

I have both the white and blue grandiflora. They get huge. Freeze back and then return from the roots without mulch and planted on the north side of the house. I think mine are too shaded as I do not get many blooms. They are between the house and some trees so they get limited sun at best in the mornings. I have had them for several years.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

thank you patsy. and tell me where moody is? i live near dallas.......25 mi. east. so it sounds like these plants are not sensitive to the texas sun . do you water them a lot? have you ever taken cuttings from your plants?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm in Plano, just 20 minutes north of Dallas.

I also have both the white and the blue(among others...)lol...and they all do really, really well here.

They can take all the heat Texas doles out. In fact, some of mine are planted under a patio with a clear roof, and the tops of the vines experience temps as high as 125, in the later part of August.

They do come back from the roots, and get bigger and better each year. They not only come back, but return really quickly. An aged vine can grow inches to a foot a day when they are in their active growth stage.

My white one is shaded by a tree, and is stingy with blooms, but the others have no shade or protection,whatsoever, and bloom like crazy in Fall, and early winter.

They are tough vines, and mine get NO supplemental waterings. They do just fine without fuss.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

do y'all get a lot of seeds? or have you ever taken cuttings? not that i am trying to get one of yours but i just wondered how easy it is. i am so glad to know this will grow outside. i have a very ugly long chain link fence and i want it covered and i didn't want something that would tear it down like trumpet vine. what other perennial vines will live in 8a? or what other vines readily reseed themselves in my zone?

Moody, TX(Zone 8a)

mamajack I had some growing in pots that I started last year. I had both the white and blue. They are lost somewhere in my very overcrowded greenhouse. If they survived I will be glad to trade with you when the weather warms enough to drag everything out and see if they are still alive. I have never had a seed pod.

Taylor do you also have the varigated? I have one that I bought last year but did not take cuttings. Just wondering if it roots easily or not. I still have it in a pot. I was not sure if it would be root hardy.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I have a huge vine covering about 16 ft of wall, I had one seed pod and it burst open before I knew it was ripe. The vine is still blooming, so maybe it will make another pod. The sphinx moths and honeybees love the flowers.
Kay, the cuttings have little nubbies on them!! I think the rock wool is working!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Kay? LOL YOU may call me Jo! We've known of and traded with each other for 7 years, so I think you know me well enough by now to call me Jo.

I know the rockwool works - the secret is not getting it wet, but just damp - works well!

Susie, I am afraid it would take too long to get a blooming-sized vine if I grew it from seeds. I will continue trying for a plant, but I appreciate your willingness to share. Hugs!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I have the variegated. I did not take cuttings, because most of the stems weren't very thick, and most were very curled around other plants(not the best cutting material, lol).

If it comes back from the ground, (which I hope it will) I'll definitely be cutting on it this spring, once the stems stiffen. :0)

I've had the grandiflora the longest out of all my thunbergias, and have only seen a pod a couple of times, in all these years. They are much bigger and longer than the little things it normally produces after the flowers...never tried the seed. So much easier to do cuttings. They root pretty easily. I've even taken cuttings and forgotten them in water, and they rooted, anyway!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i am glad to know they root in water. that is easy. and folks my vine came in...........can i take the top off right now and put it in water..................just 4-5 inches or should i wait? also mexican flame vine came. how easy are they to root?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Mamajack-while mine rooted in water, that is not how I am suggesting you root them.
That is not a very reliable way to root them, and they can rot more easily that way. I was just making a point, that it has happened, but don't recommend you trying it that way.

Both are relatively easy, if you are familiar with rooting things.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

well i used some rooting powder last year and did root a semi-woody shrub. but i don't really know what i am doing. i got some of that spaghnum moss. i read on another forum that that was a good product for rooting. is the angle of the cut on the cutting important? or is more important where you cut it? tell me what you know. thanks. barbara

Moody, TX(Zone 8a)

The Mexican Flame vine is one of the easiest things I have ever rooted. I put 14 cuttings in late in the fall and only lost one. They had roots within a week or two.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Jo, I guess i've called you "Kay" for so long, old habits are hard to break, lol. I have T. grandiflora cuttings rooting for you.........they have nubbies. The Mexican Flame is easy, it roots where ever it touches the ground!
Jo, there are roots on the NB jasmine today!! I see them coming out the bottom of the rockwool. Now another question, when the cuttings are rooted really well do I just break the rockwool, leaving it around the roots? Sorry, first time with rockwool rooting.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

what is rockwool and where do you get it? and susie how do you use the spagh. moss to root? and do you use rooting powder?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Susie, just plant the whole root ball with the RW intact - that's MY METHOD - it might work to tear it away, but I personally have never done that - I guess you could try tearing it away and see what happens - let us know.

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