Pictures of my grow room

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is a full pic of my main shelf that I grow my inside plants on.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Closeup of the top shelf. Mostly neps here, and one orchid that I am trying unsuccessfully to get to flower.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Closeup of the second shelf. Mostly pings here and a few drosera. This shelf is looking a little bare at the moment.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Closeup of the bottom shelf. Mostly shorter neps here.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker

Awesome! Have you a humidifier near by the shelving?

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Bunch o'dews here on the bottom shelf. Also a few pots of germinating sarr seed.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

I have an ultrasonic humidifier in the room hooked up to a repeat cycle timer so it comes on for 60 seconds every 5 minutes. I also have a oscillating fan in there that runs continuosly. And this time of the year I have a space heater w/ a thermometer so I can control the temp.

Drumheller, Alberta, Canada(Zone 3a)

Those are the cutest pings! Very nice.

Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Hi Wolf,

Oh my those are just unreal! Are they hard to look after and what medium do you use for them? Thanks for sharing the pics!


Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Hi Wolf,

What is the name of the one on the second shelf towards the back with the purple flowers? Love that one!


Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Joanne,

I don't know if I would say they are difficult to look after but they are slightly different then most plants.

If you are referring to Nepenthes then I grow them in either straight Long Fibered Sphagnum, or a mix of peat, perlite & coconut husk chips. As long as the media holds moisture well, drains freely & provides some air to the roots you are ok. As far as other requirments they grow in pretty much household temps but require higher humidity then most houses have.

As for the pinguicula I grow them in either straight LFS or a mix of peat, perlite, sand & vermcumilite. The plant in the picture that you speak of is a pinguicula moranensis X agnata. The leaves get a nice pink/purple color with large purple flowers. I will see if I can find a better pic of just them.


Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is a better pic for you Joanne. This is a few months old so no flowers, but a nicer pic of the leaves. I do love the flowers though, they could almost be house plants. I have actually gotten my fiance to let me place pings around the house on windowsills if they are in flower.


Thumbnail by wolf9striker

Beautiful, Wolf! Love the photo of that last Pinguicula. It's a lovely shade of pink that really sets off the color of the moth wings!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Haha yeah that was during this last summer, I would open the window in the room and remove the screen so at night I would get olotta bugs in the room. Never knew what would pop up on a pings leaves or a dews grasp or a neps pitcher. That moth was unlucky, guess it liked pink

Wow, that's really nice. Everything looks so healthy.
You answered the big question I had already. I was wondering about the humidity.
Very nice!

On the second photo, what is the name of the nepenthes all the way to the left?
I really like it.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Great pics Wolfman. I can see my baby on your bottom shelf. You will have to post pics of the bloom when it is open. It's quite possibly the best Sarracenia flower around! Don't be surprised if the spike is shorter than other Sarr. species. It is normal for this particular species.

Keep the pics coming. They're very much enjoyed.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Gina- In the second photo the nepenthes all the way to the left is N. truncata. It is the lowland form, and its starting to get quite large for me. The last pitcher was 13'' tall.

Phil-Thanks for the comment, haven't heard from you in awhile, nice to see that you are still around. Yep I was able to squeeze in your baby. It was much larger then expected. The flower stalk is growing fast, it has already went from about an inch tall when I got it to around 4 inches. Thanks again


Wolf, I thought that might have been a N. truncata. I ordered one a couple of weeks ago. I'm just waiting for it to warm up so they can ship it. That's really neat you had a pitcher 13 inches tall.

Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Hi Wolf,

Thanks for that beautiful pink is pretty all by itself without any flowers.


Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

I am glad you liked Joanne. I will see if I can take any more pics of my plants. A few are looking nice.

Wauconda, IL


Wonderful set up and really nice plants you have there!

Whoa, nice job Wolf!

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