Welcome to the Invasives Plants Forum! Please read.

This forum has been created for the thoughtful and respectful discussion of invasive plants (whether native or exotic/alien species); their effect on your garden and the environment, and a place to seek help with identifying and eradicating or controlling such plants.

Since discussions regarding invasive plants can quickly stray into politics, this notice serves as fair warning that the Acceptable Use Policy is in full force here, just as it is in other forums. If you are not familiar with the AUP, we strongly encourage you to read through it

The link to the AUP can be found at the bottom of any page on the site.

In a nutshell, do not post material that may be considered abusive, hateful, harassing, libelous, profane, vulgar or unlawful. Discussion and/or debate of politics is strictly prohibited. We have the right, but not the obligation, to remove, edit, or relocate any content that we feel violates the standards of our site.

Those who violate the AUP guidelines will be given one warning. A second infraction will result in the immediate revocaton of your membership.



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