Organic Fertilizers what and where get it?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

You always hear to use organic fertilizers, rather than the chemical ones we buy at the store (I guess, I don't really know the difference). But all I ever see is the usual granulated chemical ones. Where and what am I to ask for if I want organic fertilizers?

Peoria, IL

Sometimes it depends upon what you are fertilizing... a large area or a small pot?

Generally organic fertilizers are things like alfalfa pellets, bloodmeal, cottonseed meal, corn meal, coffee grounds....compost (although compost is usually considered a soil amendment more than a fertilizer).

You can get used coffee grounds from starbucks. Most of the other items can be bought inexpensively at a farmer's feed supply store.

Is there an organic gardening FAQ list somewhere on this forum. (I am relatively new here). As there are other fertilizers, I just listed the most common ones available in my area.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I got some of that used Starbucks coffee the other day, using it on my flowerbeds. I was wondering about organic fertilizers for my lawn. I'm pretty new too, so I don't know about any organic gardening forum. Try the "contact us" link below to send Dave an email.

Thumbnail by Ladyborg
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have heard that Millorganite is one that comes from processed human waste. I have not used it yet but am considering it next year. Even though there is concern for other wastes in it. IE heavy metals.

Peoria, IL

I consider mulched grass clippings the primary source of fertilizer for my lawn.

I will add alfalfa pellets on my lawn three times a year,right before spring green up, again in midsummer and again in early fall.

I buy a 50 lb bag of 100% alfalfa pellets for around $7.00. (Some of the pellet bags have other stuff added for animal feeding purposes. But for the lawn its best just to get the plain alfalfa.)

Bloodmeal is supposed to be really good to green up a lawn, I don't use it myself because I have three dogs and I think they would roll all over and dig up the lawn, if I spread blood meal on it.

Here is a link to a good FAQ about organic fertilizers:

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

... I guess, I don't really know the difference - Neither do your plants, but your soil does. Plants don't know where the nutrients they use come from and they don't care. As long as they are in the soils in a usable range - not too much - not too little, plants are nutrient happy. Chemical fertilizers are fast acting - available for immediate uptake in soils as long as they are in suspension or solution (water). Some examples of organic fertilizers include cottonseed meal, blood meal, bone meal, fish emulsion, seaweed/kelp emulsions, manure and sewage sludge (Milorganite). Organic fertilizers are slower acting, necessarily relying on soil organisms to break them down into usable parts before plants can assimilate them. They are also less effective when soil temps are cool. It is, however, pretty much agreed that organic fertilizers are easier on the soil and help to increase (or not decrease) the number of soil denizens that make a soil more healthy.

Hope I answered your ?. (;o)


Peoria, IL

actually the slow uptake of nutrients is desirable becaues ... the slow uptake of nutrients is less likely to cause a spike in grass growth - so your lawn will still be healthy but may not have tobe mowed as frequently as a lawn that it treated with the quickly available soluable fertilizers.

slow and steady wins the race...

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

... and I figured she was talking about the garden, beds, or containers, where speedy development and extra bio-mass is a plus. ;o)


Westerville, OH(Zone 6a)

Ladyborg --- why don't you go to the Organic Gardening forum and do a forum search for whatever topic of organic gardening you wish learn about? PS: Lady"borg" - does this mean you are a trekkie?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

YardenMan, you betcha!!!!!!!!! Trekkie to the core! You? Which ones?

My maiden name was Neves, which is Seven spelled backwards.....leap to Voyager and 7 of 9, etc etc., throw in my love for ladybugs and the name makes total sense :o) to a Treekie that is.

LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!!!!!! Did you see the Leonard Nimoy superbowl commercial? I think it was for Advil. Cool.

Thumbnail by Ladyborg
Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

My Ladyborg icon didn't upload....trying here again. It's a gif, I hope that's not the problem:

Thumbnail by Ladyborg
Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

RE the bloodmeal, you're right, the dogs LOVE to roll in it. I add it to my amaryllis (pic above) and they try to get in there and roll if they can. And it stinks!!!

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