Houseplant Swap or robin

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi all, just checking to see if anyone is interested in a Spring Houseplant swap or robin.

We would start rooting cuttings now for trade in Late march or Early April. If enough are I will organize. Thanks.

I would be interested. I have lots of plants to trade, as I'm downsizing my houseplant collection. There are still a few foliage plants I want, but for the most part, I want african violets and a few other flowering houseplants, as opposed to foliage plants.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I might be interested. I'd like to hear the details on how this would work before committing, though.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I am open to suggestions on how everyone wants to do this.

We can do it in the form of a round robin or just a swap for how ever many sign up.

On the swap I would take the names with their wants and haves and try to match them up the best I can so that everyone would get something they want.

On round robin we would mail the box to each other taking plants out and replenishing what we take out.

Let me know your thoughts.

Grand Junction, CO(Zone 6a)

I'll join! I think taking "wants" and "haves" would work best.

Here are some of my favorite houseplants that I have to give:
Perilla 'Magilla'
Pelargonium 'Vancouver Centennial'
Plectranthus coleoides 'Nicodemus'
Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
Gasteria (small pups)

Here are my wants:
Jasminum sambac 'Maid of Orleans'
Mitriostigma axillare 'African Gardenia'
Murraya paniculata
Viola hederacea
Hoya lacunosa
Chirita 'Keiko'
fragrant plants that don't need high humidity
maybe more when I see what others have to offer!

This message was edited Feb 14, 2006 8:49 AM

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

We have 7 to sign up so far, sorry to hear Jess couldn't participate. I have decided to leave sign ups open until 2/20/06, I will then assign swaps. Please dmail me what you have for trade and what you would like from a trade. I will do my best to try to make sure everyone gets some nice plants.

We will mail this plants out the 2nd week in April to allow for warmer weather and time to root. They do not have to be rooted cuttings however, just would be nice.

Glad to see some interesting in this, let me know any questions, as this is my first try at this.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

You can include me, too, if you haven't already. I'll get you a list later- I'm at the library- dang internet's gone out again and I had to be in town today anyways.

I'd have switched internet companies years ago if they weren't the ONLY ONE!! And they're absolutely horrid!! Sorry- just venting. hahaha Later!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Bumping Up,

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi all, Still would like a few more to sign up. Please dmail me your name, have and wants.

I hope all know that I it may be impossible to match up everyone with something on their list. I hope all will be please with swap.

I started getting several things rooted this weekend. Looking forward to the swap. this is my first time organizing this so please be patience with me.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

ok, waiting to hear from two more, still time for more to join us.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

We have 11 people participating in this swap. Pretty Good for the first time. I will send dmails out today as to who you are to send to and what their wants were. I think I have at least one items matched up from have and wants list so everyone should get at least one items. Only one was not matched up with their list and I hope this will not be a problem. I think most are very open when it comes to new plants.

Please email me back that you have recieved your name. I ask that each person contribute at least 4 starts to the houseplant pal, start rooting them now to be mailed by April 8th. this will allow 6 weeks for rooting and warmer weather. If you want to send extra starts that is fine, however not a requirement. Please mail your plants priority mail.

I will make a new thread Update - Houseplant Swap for you to post to when you have mailed or received or just the status from now to April 7th of your trade.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

we will continue to post to this thread, I didn't realize we couldn't close the thread, so this may be less confusing.

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Got my d-mail and found this thread to "watch". Thanks for all your hard work.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I have confirmation from everyone that they received their houseplant buddy. Hope all is having a good time preparing for this swap.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Root, root...rootin' away!!! :)

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Someone better pray for me about the rooting thing.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

makshi - what cha' trying to root...I may be able to help.

Vero Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

I would love to be involved in this also :)

I have lots of houseplants to trade. Is it too late to join?

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Hope all are getting excited about this swap.

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Excited and nervous, too. Checking for roots every day LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Let em root...let em root...let em root (to be sung to the tune of Let It Snow---NO MORE snow puh-lez!!)

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Can you believe we are supposed to get snow flurries tonight!!! The forecast is that we aren't supposed to get below freezing, but I don't trust these weather people so will be out shortly covering up all the perennials that are already blooming.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

We have had snow for several days. I will be so glad when it is gone.

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

We just had a cold? front come through - the temps have dropped from near 80 during the day to around 62. But I am not complaining - I hate being cold!

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

It is hovering in the 40s today, and just heard we are supposed to get a real freeze tonight. Hope this doesn't last long.

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I am lucky enough to have only bought ONE annual... So I brought it in Tuesday night. It's unusually cold here right now, in the '30's at night...

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

With only a little over a week left before the mailing deadline, is everyone getting ready. Sure hope everyone enjoys this swap.

So exactly which day are we to mail them? I've got a good start on mine!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

NO NO I don't know if mine have enough roots. Argh do you see me rolling around in my wheelchair pulling my hair.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

April 7th is the mailing date. Some of mine are slow to root as well Makshi, please don't pull your hair out. Hope all enjoys. Is anyone interested in doing this again with mailing date in May?

I have the following signed up. Please be sure to post what and when you receive. So excited.

Don't worry, Makshi, it will be fine! :o)
I'd be interested in another one, but it would have to be toward the end of May for me to be able to participate.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

There seems to be some confusion on who is sending to who. No changes have been made since the buddies were assigned in March. You still have the same person you were assigned. The list is below if anyone needs to review it. Thanks.

snboyken - sending to Blue_eyes; Receiving from Chantell
Blue_eyes - sending to Chantell; Receiving from snboyken
NematanthusNut - sending to Raingazer; receiving from Flowrlady
cjolene - sending to Herlurie; receiving from Stownes
Herlurie - sending to jrhodes; receiving from Cjolene
Chantell - sending to snboyken; receiving from Blue_eyes
Makshi - sending to Stownes; receiving from Raingazer
Notmartha - sending to Flowrlady; receiving from Jrhodes
raingazer - sending to Makshi; receiving from Nemanthanthusnut
jrhodes - sending to notmartha; receiving from Herlurie
Flowrlady - sending to Nemanthusnut; receiving from notmartha
Stownes - sending to Cjolene; receiving from Makshi

Please let me know if anyone has any questions. Thanks.

This message was edited Mar 30, 2006 10:19 AM

Hmm...I thought I understood, but now I'm confused. I'm sending to Makshi, right? Am I also receiving from her? I see my name on there twice, but neither time is it next to Makshi. I'm sorry to be a bother, but please help! LOL

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Rain you are assigned as follows:
raingazer - sending to Makshi; receiving from Nemanthanthusnut

may the misunderstanding is that some will not send and receive from the same person. I matched the buddies up according to the wants and haves list.

Hope this makes it clearer. I edited the post above so it should be easier to read now.

Now I understand! Thank you!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry if this got confusing for some. No changes have been made, I sent dmails originally showing who your buddy was, if you need me to I can resend it. You will not receive and send to the same person. I think this is what may have confused some.

Hope all is cleared up now. If not please let me know asap. Shipping date is next week and we want to resolve any confusion prior to shipping. thanks all for patience and understanding, this is my first swap, just want everyone to be happy.

I have had no hot water all week so I am trying very hard to stay happy.

All is well! What got me was thinking I was sending to and receiving from the same person. The edited list makes it perfectly clear!
Thanks for all your hard work to make this a successful trade!
Hope you get hot water back soon. We spent a couple weeks like that a few years ago. NO fun at all!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Makes perfect sense...can't wait!!!

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I have never shipped plants before, so would someone mind educating me on the best way to go about doing it? Thanks for the help!

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