Storing Artificial Christmas Tree

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, I finally got around to taking down my artificial Christmas tree. It was either I take it down or decorate it for Valentine's Day and I wasn't going to do that. :) This is the first year I've had a artificial tree, thus the procrastination about putting it away. It's been sitting in the living room undecorated for about month now. It’s 7.5 feet tall and one of those pre-lit, hinged trees and it’s really very heavy. I've got the storage bags and such, but there has to be a better way of storing these things. I'm thinking of going out and getting some gigantic plastic tote tubs and storing each section in it's own tote. That way I can move it myself (won't need the husband to get it out or put it away for me. It can go to the basement and be safe from moisture and any wayward critter. Those of you that have an artificial tree, how do you store it?

IA Z5a

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