Amaranthus Tricolor just the yellow

Santa Barbara County, CA(Zone 9a)

Does anyone know of a source that sells seeds for just the yellow Amaranthus Tricolor (Summer Poinsettia)? I just saw a photo of them in a garden book in which they looked fantastic as tall background plants for a small bed of warm-colored annuals. I'd love to try something similar this year in my south-facing bed.

If no-one sells this color separately, am I going to have to grow the seeds for all the colors this year and then save seed from only the yellow ones for next year? Will the seeds from yellow plants all grow yellow plants, or could they grow any of the "tricolors"?

Thanks so much for any info you can give me. (BTW, I've looked online for yellow versions of this plant, but could only find sources for the entire mix of colors.)


Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Parks Seeds has an Amaranthus Tricolor variety called Aurora: described "glowing yellow crown."

Santa Barbara County, CA(Zone 9a)

jmorth, that's exactly what I'm looking for. :-)

Thank you so much! I'm off to order them.....


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