I went and did it... I requested a Prairie/Meadow forum

As mentioned, I'm interested in Tall Grass Prairie restoration but a forum like this would open up whole new opportuities.

If anyone is interested, please share why you would be interested over here-

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm also interested in Prairie restoration. I have just recently started looking into it. My husband and I are discussing the possiblity of turning a few feilds into native prairie.
I sent the message!

Welcome to the forums hobbygirl. Did you know that there is an Upper Midwest Gardening Forum here? There's some really neat people over there. If you are interested in prairie forum, you might want to click on the link and post over in the actual thread I started to request a new forums. Sooner or later if there is enough interest, they'll add it. There are too many factors for us to determine how they decide when to add of not but if there is a need, they take care of the need. Please do post over there though if but for nothing else than to take a peek at who shares your same interests.

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Equil-
I have been posting quite a bit lately (and lurking even more:)
Some of my fav forums include the upper midwest, cool climate, organic growing, roses, MG, and veg gardening.
I LOVE daves garden and all of the people are so knowledgeable and friendly.
I'll keep my eye out for the prarie forum, I did click on the link--but maybe it didn't go where it was suppose to??
It went to a form which I filled out requesting a praire forum.
Chat with you soon!

Sorry about that Anna, I must have messed up the link. The thread is in the "Dave's Garden" forum which you can get to by clicking on the tab above that says Garden Talk. From there you go to the far right and click on the Forum titled Dave's garden. In there you will find a thread I started which I think was titled, "Possibly we could consider a Prairie/Meadows forum".

Here's what I think might be a direct link to the actual thread-

It doesn't look as if there is enough interest right now but that doesn't mean there won't be enough interest some time in the years to come.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Just saw this and I am interested I'm looking for prarie grass to plant on my 8 acres I just bought. I am holding it for 10 to 15 years and nothing else will be on it.

You'll need a mix of grass and forbs. It's a little trickier than what you think. I can't even suggest a place for you to go to get information specific to Montana. Do you have a native plants society out there? 8 acres is going to require a possible prescribed burn followed up with seeding. You're going to probably have to toss in some annuals to stave off competition and mow the whole thing the first year. The native plants will be safe when you mow as they're busy putting down roots the first year. I've learned there are tricks to the trade of starting up a prairie. What they all are, are beyond me for your area. Do you have any restoration engineers out your way?

Peoria, IL

I would suggest you contact a charitable organization like pheasants forever for a parcel that size. They have seed mixes, the equipment and training to help people plant large prairie plantings. The fees are very affordable as its supported by donations and their mission is to promote habitat that is good for pheasant populations.

Here is a link to the Montana chapters of pheasants forever.


Interesting link. Looks very promising. I caught this at their website, "wildlife habitat for perpetuity". Nice, very nice.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

good ideas! I'll contact fish and wildlife and see who to talk to. I will be starting on the top level 2 acres it had previously been grazed over with horses so some challenge there. but it will be a good area to test different techniques of planting, species, and flowers. Thanks for the great ideas. Oh no hunting so I doubt pheasants forever. Hey good idea I will raise pheasants up there in the barn.

Peoria, IL

Pheasants forever does not have any hunting requirements. They want to assist homeowners in providing wildlife habitat, they don't care if you hunt it or not.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

It is not a pheasant area too exposed. But there is an irrigation ditch. Hey pheasants will love it here

Thumbnail by Soferdig

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