Clilean Bellflower

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Does anyone know where I can find this?I love it and can't find it tho I did find seed $8.95 for 5 of them. I'd like a plant.When I ask at the nurserys they just say hey good question. TIA Lauri

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here are a couple potential options--most of them would involve a drive down to the Bay area though and I'm not sure if that's an option for you.

1. I saw some (1 gal pot for ~$30-$40) at Berkeley Horticultural Nursery last fall--I don't recall seeing them anymore when I was there a couple weeks ago, but they might be able to get more if you call and ask.
2. I know that UC Berkeley Botanical Garden had them at their fall plant sale--they'll be having their spring sale in April or May and they always publish a list of the plants that'll be available ahead of time
3. My book Plant Locator Western Region says that Sonoma Horticultural Nursery has them (the book is a year or two old so I would definitely call first before making the drive!)

Or you can always check with one of your local nurseries and see if they can special order one for you.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

ecrane, Thanks but I'll pass on the drive to the bay area, the traffic is too much for me, but I will check with the local nursery and see what it would cost to order me one in....Lauri

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Lauri, Sometimes this online nursery has them in stock. I ordered one from them last summer


Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Lauri - I have one of these (which I LOVE!). It just gave me a seed pod, which ripened, and tonight I planted the seeds. IF any happen to germinate, I'd be happy to send you a seedling. Unfortunately, I understand that these are EXTREMELY difficult to propagate, so I'm really not holding my breath. But wish me luck!! Karen

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Karen, Thank You and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. If all goes well I'll pay you postage and for the seedling...Lauri

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I went to Hortus Botanical and indeed, they seem to be sold out of the Chilean bellflower. They have cool pictures but seem to forget that not everyone lives in California.

xxxxx, Carrie

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Will it grow in England????????????????????????????????

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Your zone 8b will probably be a bit chilly for it in the winter--they like zone 10, maybe might get by in 9b if you can protect them from the occasional frost, but I think 8b would be pushing it. If you have somewhere to protect it from the winter, then it may do OK for you, the other thing that I think is bad for it is too much heat in the summer, I know some parts of the UK that wouldn't be a problem but I'm not familiar with your area specifically. I know they do well in the coastal areas near me (~zone 10a, foggy and cool in the summer)

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

I hope this link opens. I bought one of these for someone on ebay a little over a year ago. I havent seen it bloom yet but it has grown quite a bit.


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Oh, thats a shame............ I do have a place i could put it where it would be quite sheltered in the winter!!! I guess the best thing to do is try it................
Well where i am on the east coast (sea is about 12miles away) its not too hot and where i am thinking of putting it, it would be in partial shade because of two huge sycamore trees!!!!
I am in Lincolnshire..................sort of mid country but east!!! If that makes sense?
Thanks for the info anyway


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

The ebay link doesnt open............................ it just says, page not responding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Mark, i've had this to happen a few times. Try to search for it using the item number. Or just log onto ebay and look in the plant section for chilean bell flower.

I live on the east coast of the U.S. in South Carolina and I grow my lapageria in a gh. I think maybe when spring arrives again I might move it outside and see what happens. Maybe i'll get it to bloom for me then!!


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

You might try Cistus nursery on line. They may not have it advertised but try an email, I know they did have a few available.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Had a look on ebay and there isnt a chilean bell flower advertised at all.............!!! typical............

Hey Rebeccanne..................... is that nursery in USA??????????? Doubt very much if i can get one in this country!!!


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oops, no way you could get it to UK. Sorry. A bit of advice, don't be fooled and try unknown seeds, which are usually expensive. I tried and tried and its a complicated thing but seems the seeds not only have to be very fresh but they need to be pollinated by a second plant, something like a cousin or something. A woman near here got tons to germinate but had to find a plant that was in another persons yard, they hand pollinated and planted the seeds quickly and got germination. A few places sell seed but people have very bad luck getting them to germinate. Another thing about this plant, its very hard to make it happy. It wants some protection, some heat, not too much, watering is also picky. If you hit on all those things, you got one wonderful plant. Personally I think its very beautiful but seeing how people suffer for it, I no longer want one.
I am in 9a and where it grows in Chile it does get some frost and the few people who grow it here and treat it just right have fantastic plants.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the info on this plant...It is off my got to have list. If it won't grow there in Gold Beach it surely won't grow here...........Lauri

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Lauri, I buy them at Sonoma Horticultural Nursery. Believe it or not, they're only $12 for a 1-gallon plant and $18.75 for the 2-gallon plant. I don't think you'll ever find them anywhere else for less. I actually bought three of the 1-gallon plants for $9 each in February 2005, because the nursery runs a 25%-off sale every February. Polo, the nursery owner, grew them from seed and wasn't sure how soon they would bloom. They didn't bloom last year, but they did bloom this year, so they're old enough now.

Here's a closeup of one of the blooms on mine. They're still in bloom right now, incidentally.

Thumbnail by Zuzu
Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Wow Zuzu. thats a great photo. And actually the photos do not do them justice. They are a thick, waxy bloom, just stunning. And I have NEVER heard them for that price, Lauri get in your car! If I could get one for that price I think I would try it, they truely are beautiful and if you give it what it wants, it will pay you back. They have tons of them growing in the Mendicino Botanical gardens, they have white, red and red /white variegated flower. Like weeds they grow there.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

They certainly are amazing blooms, Rebecca, and they weigh a ton! I grow them in the shade under trees in my garden. It protects them from excess sun and frost.

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