Proof that Phil is right about not tossing out plants...

Proof that Phil is right about not tossing out plants... that you think are dead.

At the end of last summer this plant went dormant. It did so about 2 months earlier than it has in subsequent years and I was convinced it was toast.

Veterans are always harping to not toss plants just because they look dead. Normally I would have pitched it to be able to re-use the pot but for what ever reason this little voice told me not to pitch it but to move it into the garage and keep it ever so damp. I forgot it out there and I can tell you it dried out completely for at least a month until I found it and added some water. Lo and behold I walked out into the garage yesterday to check on all of my plants and found the thing in the equivalent of total darkness on a bottom shelf where I had stashed about 3 or 4 other plants trying its darndest to shoot up new growth. I refer to that lower shelf as my dead plant graveyard. My 5 year old Drosera binata that I had grown from seed is alive. I moved it into the house on to a plant stand.

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

That must be one tough little plant! Glad it is coming back out for you.

Very kewl! I hope it rewards your tender care. Last time I moved plants to a better environment, they rewarded me by dying. Hope you have better luck! Love the matching white pot, saucer, and rocks.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

I have decided to boycott this thread for the first three words are "Proof that Phil is right". Does he need more proof?

He he he! He's probably not going to be around for a while as he has got to be in a dividing and re-potting frenzy right now with what time of year it is. Poor guy is probably working his little fingers to the bone right now!

By the way, I was convince that plant was a goner because it died back earlier than normal. Weird weather this year.

I LOVE to divide and pot. It's so soothing. I would totally help him if I were down there.

I like happy endings!

I'm thrilled as all get out. Under normal circumstances, I would have tossed that plant. It went dormant 2 months premature. It must have known to shut down to preserve itself. I must have stressed it somehow.

Yes, I love it when something bounces back from the dead. It never ceases to amaze me. Currently, the plant has doubled in size from the photo you see above. Pretty wild, eh!

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