Can you recommend a vine?

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Last fall I planted Clematis Ruutel on the south side of my house. I got the vines from Wayside and they came in about 3" pots and looked extremely healthy. I really don't expect too much from them this year as I know it takes a few years for these vines to get going. My question is, is there an annual vine I could put in there to fill the gap. It gets fairly good afternoon sun, but not morning sun. I would prefer something in red, but the color isn't that important. In this same bed, I have all sorts of lilies and daylilies plus some other perennials.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I have moonvine seeds and cypress vine seeds, both of which grow fast and will come back next year if you let them produce seed. My cypress vine seeds are red. The moonvine open at night and are very fragrant. I planted the two of them together in one place, as someone suggested that way you have flowers both day and night.

This particular vine completely covered the hook. This is in a perennial bed. I let it come back every year for the hummingbirds.

This message was edited Feb 4, 2006 1:26 AM

Thumbnail by 1gardengram
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I looked these up in the plant files and see that these are both Ipomoea. Would they do OK without morning sun?

Glen Rock, PA

beaker, in your climate it might be iffy to plant Ipomea alba. They require a lot of heat, and by the time the flower buds form, youall will be getting frost. Another thing about this vine, it is a rampant grower that will hog the light from your clematis. The Cypress vine (is that the same thing as Cardinal Vine?) I'm not familiar with, but if it is Cardinal Vine, that is a nice plant. I had heard that it will return, but never did I have that luck.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks for that info, PennPete. So, does anyone know if Ipomoea will adequatly bloom if they don't have morning sun? Are there any Ipomoea that would be better suited to afternoon sun rather than morning. I've never done a sun check in that area and it may be less than 6 hours.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

None of mine get morning sun, and they all get really hot afternoon sun. I have seeds to share if you are interested.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Cypress vine aka Cardinal vines are very intrusive and rampant in my Texas Gardens..I am constantly pulling them outta the ground and off my Clematis!!..BUT maybe in your more temperate zone they won't be invasive..My favorite companioning with Clematis are Climbing Roses.....I am getting ready to add more..just ordered 2 David Austins Climbing Rosa "Tess of the d'Urbenvilles" which I will plant clematis "Violette Elizabeth", "John Huxtable" "Avante-Garde" and "Jackmanii" with..they will be on my new Rose while you are waiting for your clematis to mature you will have blooms from the Rose and then once mature you will have blooms together and one of the other will be blooming to give you constant blooms...
For instance ..Here is my Climbing Rosa "Abraham Darby" with Clematis "Ernest Markham" and "Etoile Violette"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I've never had any luck here with either clematis or roses, but your combinations sound terrific.

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Beaker Don't underestimate your clematis. This is one of mine that was planted only three years ago, of course it could be some freak of nature.

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