Has anyone grown the Simba marigolds?

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I bought some seed from Thompson and Morgan and want to know how they do. Does anyone have experience with these first hand. Are they as pretty as depicted or are they scraggly? Does anyone have pictures of ones they grew?

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

I grew Ragged Reggie a couple years back, which I think is similar to Simba. The package said they needed to be started 12 wks before planting out and I thought that was absurd, considering that marigolds usually germinate and grow pretty quickly. Well, I tell ya, they weren't kidding. Slow to germinate and slow to grow. They didn't bloom until late summer. They were really nice though but did not produce seed. I don't have any pictures....sorry :0(


Deer Lodge, MT(Zone 4a)

Yes, I tried the Simba marigolds last year...they're basically the same as the Crackerjack variety, but the flowers are frilly...somewhat like a lion's mane...I really liked them because they were diffent and several folks that come by the greenhouse here saw that I had them planted in the beds and want some themselves this year. I like to give things like this a shot myself and see what the customer reaction is. I don't happen to have any pics off hand, but if you like the larger and taller type marigolds, go ahead and give them a try....I think you'll like them...

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the info, both of you. I hope they do well for me here. I look forward to seeing them "in Person."

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm planting them this year too. I bought them at the end of last fall and am looking forward to seeing their shaggy flowerheads. I haven't planted marigolds in years due to marigold burnout. Since I get so many catalogs now I've found some really unusual varieties that have me interested again.

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