new babies!!

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

These lil baby goats are the cutest things in the whole world! They were born Tuesday while I was at work. When I got home and fed my animals I found them, just barely dry. We took these pics last night when they were about 24 hours old! The pure white one is a boy, and the tan one is a girl. The kids and the momma goat are all doing great!

Thumbnail by hmstyl
Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

here's another pic

Thumbnail by hmstyl
Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

and another one

Thumbnail by hmstyl
Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

my favorite pic

Thumbnail by hmstyl
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Awwww, they are so cute. I'm trying to guess what breed mix. The ears say there is some Nubian in there and also something with the more upright ears. Momma has stripes on her face that say either Toggenburg or Alpine, but she is so light and the male kid is white so I'm guessing there Sannen in there. Mix them all together and that's what you have. Do you know?

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

I could definitely see the Nubian, but Mom isn't full Nubian. Her ears seem shorter than Nubians, is this so?

Whatever they are, they are adorable.

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

The mama is a Nubian mix, and the papa was mostly Boer. I don't spend the money to get registered goats, my girls are more like pets that have a function. We have kudzu growing across the back of the property and the goats keep it cleaned up. If it weren't for them, the kudzu would be taking over and our place would disappear!

They are so cute - and the way they are exploring and bouncing around - I wish I could just sit and watch them all day!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Lovely babies!

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

How cute. I bet it's easy to get attached to those little babies.
What a great idea for the kudzu. We don't have it here, but I hear it's really something to keep up with. Congrats on your new arrivals.

Lambertville, NJ(Zone 6a)

ooooooh! more baby goats! I had seen some on another post. I just want one so bad. I keep telling DH that he grandkids would love a goat. He won't fall for it. LOL

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Darling babies. i wish I could have goats, but too many coyotes around and even with a fence all around the yard I know they could get in and get any babies.


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

They are adorable.

My goats have done an amazing job of helping to clear this place of brush.

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

They learn so fast - only 1 week old and already they are bouncing around and climbing on things!

Thumbnail by hmstyl

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