White cobea scandens taking over

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Look at this thing go, it's been blooming for over a week now, and taking over the rafters, planted in a small pot sitting on the ground and the roots have since grown out of the pot into the ground.

I have the purple cup and saucer at the other end of the greenhouse, it's starting to take off as well. This mild winter we're having, is making the plants in the greenhouse think it's spring, and I can't even walk down the isles any more, because things are taking over.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Good for you, Kathy!, lol...

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I hope I get some seeds out of it LOL


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Kathy I wished I had your problem! Thats unbelievable. I am trying the cobaea for the first time this year-purple and white and I can't wait for it to get warm.....they are calling for snow here this weekend.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Way to go, Kathy!! I didn't have my purple one in a pot that I was able to bring in for the winter, so when I moved it into a different container it didn't survive. I read after that they don't like to be moved....sheesh! I'm going to start some more this weekend. I got a few of the Key Lime seeds in a trade that I can't wait to see bloom.
:) Donna

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)


What's the key lime? is that fruit tree key lime or a variety of cobea scandens, I wasn't sure. I planted some key lime seeds too last year, I got all of them to sprout, they sprouted easily. I'm talking the fruit tree though. I kept 2 of them in the same pot and they are about 8 in tall now LOL, grow really slow.

Thanks for all the compliments on the cobea scandens, we're suppose to get down to 25 for a couple days. that's the coldest yet.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Hi, Kathy. Key Lime is a greeny colored cobea scandens. The seeds are hard to find. Growing actual key lime seeds would be cool. Maybe one day you'll get fruit.
:) Donna

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

OH Man, I had no idea they had a key lime one. I've got to find some seeds of that one.

That would be so neat.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I might have two seeds to spare.
;) Donna

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I doubt I'll ever be around long enough to get key lime fruits as slow as this bugger is growing LOL. but It will be a challenge I think LOL

Would love to trade some kind of seed of mine for yours Donna. What are you looking for in the line of seeds.

I noticed you said you got them in a trade, wonder where one could purchase them at. I did look on ebay, and didn't see any.


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